We'll dance among the stars by daughterofshadows

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Balar 3

And on we go! Nellas and co finally make it to dinner with Celebrilmal's parents!

That means we're introducing more cast members! I'm keeping these shortish, because there are a few things planned that will dive deeper into their stories.

Galdor (of the Tree): You've met him. Married to Nellas. Currently very busy.

Laurendil. Also known as Laurie. OC: Celebrilmal's mum! Sister to Elenwe and Glorfindel, married to Salgant. In this universe she is an accountant. Bubbly, talks a lot. I hope it shines through.

Taminalma. Also called: Alma. OC: They're Rog's spouse, and an electrical engineer. A fellow enby. Both Alma and Laurie made their debut in my works in Family lost, Family found aka the origin of my Gondolin obsession. Additional interests include astro-biology.

Rog. Also called Roka: Married to Alma, also an engineer. Likes to cook. Has a prosthetic arm, because Anérea shared a link to the Alternative Limb project and it's been incredibly inspirational. This also goes for Idril btw. Descriptive writing is not my strength, so details on how those protheses look is currently lacking. (Which is why I urge you to look at the link!)

Salgant. Also called Salakanto, Kanto: Married to Laurie, Celebrilmal's father. Works in what basically amounts to Human resources, only it's more elves. Kanto/Laurie and Alma/Rog are queerplatonically involved with each other, which is why they're living and raising Celebrilmal together.

Elenwe: In this universe, she's Glorfindel's and Laurendil's older sister. Occupation undetermined.

Idril: Roughly the same age as Celebrilmal and Laegolas. They're good friends.

Glorfindel: In charge of the biology department on the VSS Gondolin. Because I thought it would be fun. In an open relationship with Ecthelion.

A gong rang out. At the yard, the evening shift would be taking over, and those keeping to Anar day cycles would sit down for dinner soon.

“When are your parents expecting us for dinner?” Nellas turned to Celebrilmal.

“My family usually eats an hour or so after shift change when they’re working days, so everyone has time to return. Why do you ask?”

“I should pick up some things for Anneryn before we head over, and if I remember correctly, we’re not far from our apartment currently.”

Celebrilmal grinned.

“Let’s go then! We can grab your things and go to mine after. Nobody will mind if we’re a bit early.”


Luckily, Nellas’ sense of direction had not betrayed her, and they found the way back to their temporary home without trouble.

They were not alone when they arrived.

“Hello my love. I see you are getting ready for dinner, too,” Galdor greeted her when Nellas unlocked the door.

The sound of his voice made warmth pool in her belly.

He must have been home for some time already, because he was no longer wearing what Nellas had termed his work uniform. Instead, he had put on a loose green shirt that matched the colour of his eyes perfectly, and soft brown trousers.

He reached out for Anneryn, and Nellas passed him their daughter before kissing him happily.

“I missed you,” she mumbled into his mouth, and Galdor hugged her close with his free arm.

“I missed you, too,” he replied. “Forgive me for leaving you alone so long. I hoped to spend the first few days in your new home rather differently, but unfortunately, Turgon had other ideas.”

“You’re here now, at least. We can figure out the rest later. Are you coming for dinner?”

Galdor nodded. “I am. Rōkas food is not something I’d want to miss.”

“I’m glad. I’m definitely going to need your help keeping everybody’s names straight. Celebrilmal and Laegolas gave me the rundown while we were out, but I’m afraid I’ve forgotten half of them again already,” Nellas said sheepishly.

Her husband laughed. “I can’t blame you, my love. Celebrilmal’s family can be like the jungle in Nan Elmoth. Rather difficult to navigate. But never fear, I will be your guide tonight. I’ve known Elenwë since I was a boy, so I am rather familiar with her family.”


Celebrilmal’s apartment was only a short walk away from their own, it turned out, and it looked nearly identical, too.

A blonde woman opened the door and Nellas noted amused that while mother and daughter were near copies in looks, Celebrilmal was nearly a head taller.

“Welcome! You’re a bit early, dinner isn’t quite ready yet, but it’s so good to see you! I’m Laurendil” she smiled brightly at Nellas as she introduced herself “and you must be Nellas! We were all quite excited when we heard you and Galdor had married!”

Her gaze fell on Anneryn. “Oh, and who is this sweetheart?”


Galdor’s chest puffed out proudly and Nellas almost laughed at his expression. Sometimes her husband truly was a bit of a peacock.

“Meet our daughter, Anneryn,” he introduced.

Laurendil cooed. “They’re so cute and innocent at this age, aren’t they? But just wait until they’re old enough to walk. Suddenly, you’ll find yourself constantly running after them.”

She gave them a rueful smile, and Nellas briefly wondered what sort of mischief Celebrilmal had gotten into when she was at that age, before Laurendil drew her attention back to the present.

“But come, let me take your coats so we can head into the living room. Just go on through, I’m sure you’ll find it. These apartments are all the same. Glorfindel and Ecthelion aren’t here yet, and Turgon said he couldn’t make it, but Elenwë and Idril might still come if they finish their errands in time. And of course, Alma and Rōka are here, too.”


“We’re not expecting any members of the Hammer of Wrath tonight, then?” Galdor asked while they made their way into the living room.

Laurendil shook her head with a fond grin. “For once, no. Truth be told, it’s already a small miracle that Alma and Rōka could change shifts so they could be here. If you were to judge the state of our ship by how busy the engineering department is, you’d think it was falling apart. But it’s just the usual mad dash to prepare for departure. It did mean nobody else could get the time off, though. And as far as we know, Erferil is not back on the planet yet.”

She turned to Nellas and explained, “The Hammer of Wrath is how we jokingly refer to the strays Alma and Rōka pick up. I’m sure you’ll meet them sooner or later.”

“They’re not our strays!” two voices chorused from the kitchen.

“You can deny it all you want, we all know the truth,” Laurendil called back. Then she added, “Alma, leave your husband to the cooking and come greet our guests!”


“They’re one of our electrical engineers,” Galdor whispered into Nellas’ ear, and she nodded. “I remember. Celebrilmal mentioned it. They’re not related to Laurendil or Salgant, right?”

Galdor squeezed her hand. “That’s right.”

Alma was much taller than Laurendil and their body spoke of regular physical labour, but they let Laurendil drag them towards Galdor, Nellas and Anneryn without complaint and their smile was warm when they shook Nellas’ hand.

“Welcome to our home! I’m Taminalma, but you may call me Alma. Nearly everyone does. Can we offer you anything to drink while we wait for dinner?”

“Water would be lovely,” Nellas replied with a smile of her own. It seemed unnecessary to introduce herself, she was certain their hosts all knew her name already.

Alma led them over to the dining table, and she took the time to look around the room. A harp stood in one of the corners, and books were scattered across the low table by the couch, but that were the only personal touches. It made sense. These temporary apartments were not meant to be a home. Nellas expected their quarters on the Gondolin were a far closer reflection of their occupants’ lives.


Laurendil put glasses and a pitcher with water on the table, before she and Alma settled on opposite sides.

“Are you certain we can’t help you with anything?” Galdor asked.

“I’m quite certain.”

The elf that stepped out of the kitchen was as tall as Alma, if not taller, and Nellas rose automatically to greet him.

His handshake was firm, and the metal of his prosthetic arm blessedly cool against Nellas’ heated skin.

“You must be Rōka,” she said and nodded towards his arm. “I like the flames.”

Rōka laughed delightedly. “Thank you! Laura and Laiko helped pick out the design. You’ve probably heard it many times already tonight, but it’s lovely to meet you, Nellas. As you guessed correctly, I’m Rōka, though you can also call me Rog, if you prefer. I’m not too fussed about it.”

He looked around the room.

“Is Kanto still in the office?”

Laurendil nodded. “But don’t worry, I’ll chase him out if he doesn’t join us when dinner is ready.”


The doorbell rang, and Celebrilmal was at the door before any of them could stand up.

“Auntie! Idril! You made it!” she called.

Elenwë was already talking before she fully entered the room.

“Nellas! Lovely to finally meet you in person, rather than through a call! I can’t wait to get to know you better. Galdor has already told us so much about you! And that must be little Anneryn! Aren’t you just the cutest?”

She claimed the seat on Galdor’s other side, briefly diving in for a hug and cooing at Anneryn.


Anneryn yawned and rubbed her face against Galdor’s chest.

“Are you tired, sweetheart? Me too. We’ve been on our feet all day, and still, we almost didn’t finish our errands. I’m glad we made it here though because dinner smells divine. What are we having?”

“I decided to take advantage of the fresh produce available, so we’re having oven-baked vegetables with soft cheese and massaquanta. Though Alma made the dough for those.”

Rōka wriggled the fingers of his right hand. “Flour and prosthetics don’t mix very well, I’m afraid, and I don’t need to hear yet another one of Egalmoth’s lectures.”

Next to him, Idril groaned in agreement.

“They’re the worst. I know he means well, but ugh!”

She tapped her legs.

“So, we did some upgrades on these recently, since it looks like I finally stopped growing, and the talk he gave me before giving them back was insane. Especially, since, you know, I’ve had them for a while now. I know how take care of them. And I swear it was an accident the one time sand got into the joints. He doesn’t have to keep reminding me of it!”

Rōka laughed. “That sure sounds like him. I get the same talk whenever I come in for a check-up. Minus the sand bit, of course.”


In the kitchen, a timer beeped, and Rōka stood up. “Sounds like dinner is done! If someone could grab the plates while I get the vegetables from the oven?”

Another elf padded into the room and over to Rōka. He took off his glasses and rubbed a tired hand over his face.

“Ah, Kanto! You’ve emerged just in time for the food. Have you had a productive day?”

Salgant only buried his face in Rōka’s chest with a groan.

Rōka bent down to press a kiss on the top of his head. “That bad, hm?”

“Hundreds of personnel files were lost in the system when the update went through. We’ve spent all day trying to recover them. It’s been awful.” Salgant sighed. “But I should let you get the food from the oven. I wouldn’t want all of your hard work to go to waste.”

Rōka hugged him tightly. “Then I’ll do that, and you go sit down and say hello to our guests.”

“Don’t worry, we’ve got it!” Celebrilmal announced brightly, leaning over to press a kiss to her father’s cheek. In her hands she held a steaming bowl. “Laiko is just grabbing the massaquanta and refilling the water. So, you can both sit down.”

“Alright then,” Rōka nodded. “Have you remembered to turn the oven off?”

Celebrilmal turned towards the kitchen and shouted, “Laiko, have I turned the oven off?”

“Wait, let me check… Yes, you have!”

She turned back to Rōka with a pleased grin. “I remembered to turn the oven off.”

“Excellent. Then I will let you do the rest,” Rōka said, and settled back into his chair.


Salgant rounded the table and sat down in the free seat between Nellas and Laurendil. He exchanged a sweet kiss with his wife, before turning to Nellas with a tired smile.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Salakanto. I’m very glad you followed our invitation.”

“Thank you for having us. It’s good to have the chance to meet Galdor’s friends. And if the food tastes as good as it smells, dinner will be a delight.”

That elicited a soft laugh from Salakanto.

“As long as Alma or Rōka are cooking, it usually is. Laurie and I could both burn water. We’re very happy that our daughter doesn’t seem to have inherited that trait.” He shared a besotted smile with his wife, before passing a basket to Nellas.

“Massaquanta,” he explained. “It’s quite good, I promise.”


Nellas curiously picked one up.

“Oh, we’ve talked about this, haven’t we, Galdor!” she suddenly exclaimed. “You said they were like panbas, only you put beef and egg in it, instead of chicken and potatoes.”

“These also contain a dash of spinach,” Alma offered, breaking their own apart and revealing that indeed, there were spinach leaves mixed under the ground beef. “But your version of it sounds delicious, too. Perhaps you would be inclined to share the recipe?”

“Certainly! Once I’ve found it again, at least. Most of my belongings are currently stored in crates, and I’m not planning on unpacking any of them until we have settled on the ship.”


As promised, the food was delicious and they’d already finished much of it, when the doorbell rang yet again.

Elenwë and Laurendil shared a look. Both rolled their eyes.

“That will be our brother. Fashionably late, as always!” Elenwë said while Laurendil got up to answer the door.

When she returned, it was indeed Glorfindel who followed behind her.

“You’re lucky, there is still food left! Had you come any later, we’d likely have eaten it all,” Galdor teased, before rising to greet his friend. “No Ecthelion tonight? I was hoping to catch up with him before the department leads meet.”

Glorfindel laughed. “Alas no. My better half is on a date with a historian he chatted up in the food court. I’m afraid, you’ll only have my wonderful company tonight.”

“I’m sure we’ll make do, brother,” Laurendil said. “Barely perhaps, but we will. Now sit down, eat, and then you better tell us all about that historian. We can’t let Ecthelion date just anyone, after all.”

Chapter End Notes

Massaquanta/Panbas (both should mean filled/full bread): This is what happens when two people from different parts of the world discover that they have a comfort food that shares a lot of similarities. It's a homage to the delights of Empanadas and Piroggen.

Panbas are inspired by the Filipino Empanadas that Lyssa's family makes, Massaquanta by the Estonian recipe for Piroggen that my family uses.


Next chapter, dinner at long last comes to an end. Seriously, I did not expect to write 5k for this prompt, but it's been so much fun!

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