Garden Song by StarSpray

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Fanwork Notes

Written for the Tolkien Ekphrasis Week 2023 prompt: Gardening & Landscape Architecture
And also for the SWG "Tolkien Bestiary" challenge, for the "Five Speckled Frogs" song prompt.

Fanwork Information


A wandering Elf comes to the Shire to see the Mallorn Tree, and is invited to dinner with the Gardner family.

Major Characters: Hobbits, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fluff, General

Challenges: Bestiary of Arda

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 659
Posted on 13 June 2023 Updated on 13 June 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Garden Song

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but, most strangely, it was to the tune of the silly little frog song

D'awwww that was delightful!!  🥰

You had MAGLOR FËANORION visit Bag End and you wrote to me about the CARROTS?!

🤣 I so feel her on this one! lol

This is a delight! You have captured hobbit hospitality and the spirit of their characters perfectly. Maglor, drawn in and cared for almost against his better judgment, and then enjoying himself so much. And Elanor's note! The best of worlds are balanced between carrots and Elves :).

This is just lovely & delightful! I really like how welcoming the Hobbits are, down to earth, but still connected to the wider world on their own terms. 

And I am glad to see that Elrond has his sons, and will soon be welcoming Maglor home as well.

I think it is utterly charming how you used the prompt song here, especially that the bit about there actually being six frogs and that Maglor adapted the frog song for his carrot blessing.

While I sympathize with Elanor, I also feel that the whole carrot angle is neat and enjoyable!