A Morsel of Food or Two by Himring

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Frodo and Rosie: Frodo’s canonical illness; an uncanonical bit of hobbit lore.

Light angst.

'Have a slice of seed-cake, Mister Frodo!'

'I'm sorry, Rosie, I've no appetite today.'

The mere thought of food threatened to choke him. He had expected her worried frown, not her reluctance to remove the plate.

'What is it, Rosie?'

'I baked it especially for you, with lots of care-away seeds. I know you're too learned to believe in such things...'

Yes, he'd read in books that the name "caraway" had nothing to do with "care". No matter--the pressure in his chest eased, just a little. The room seemed just a little lighter.

'I'll try, Rosie. Just a bite.'

Chapter End Notes

The prompt was "Seed-Cake".

I apologize to the Professor for the pun, but hope he would consider it hobbit-like.

That the "seed" in seed-cake is traditionally caraway seems to be a fact.

(100 Words according to MS Word)

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