Acquiescence by Elleth

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Fanwork Notes

Begun for B2MeM 2012 and continued for SoWD 2013. All prompts are from Bingo Number O62 on March 25th: All OCs: A Twin, Femslash: AU, Snippets of Verse: Art's hid causes are not found, Women of the Silmarillion: Passing the Bechdel Test.

Many thanks to Zeen for her beta. 

Fanwork Information


When Nelyafinwen Maitimë meets her cousin Findekániel Astaldë, they are drawn irrevocably toward each other, but will they overcome Maitimë's reservations and the strictures society imposes on them? (Not very serious Rule 63'd fluff with a mildly Austenite bend.)

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: Alternate Universe, Humor, Romance, Slash/Femslash

Challenges: B2MeM 2012

Rating: Teens


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 455
Posted on 21 June 2013 Updated on 21 June 2013

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Comments on Acquiescence

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Heh. It was gathering dust in my fic folder (as so many of my 2012 B2MeM fics still do!), but it came up in a discussion of WiPs recently, so I thought I might as well try and finish it. Findekániel is definitely very valiant, and given her personality I don't think she could act as herself and not be somewhat of a revolutionary. Not that she minds challenging ideas, really, but I do think Findekáno would come across as less rebellious mostly because everyone already expects him to be from the text. Anyway, thank you so much for the review! :)

Thanks, Oshun! It was a fun exercise to preserve their characters enough to still make them recognizable in their new roles - as I said to Himring below, I don't think their personalities are very different at all (at least I didn't consciously write them that way), but the way the are socialized and expected to act is, and that is causing a lot of the difference.

Well, that is nice, isn't it? I was trying to explain my thoughts behind the way I was writing them (as few thoughts I had in that direction in the first place)... any similarities in their personalities beyond that are down to their general characterizations as I understand them, and it doesn't matter much if they are Maitimë and Findekániel or Maitimo and Findekáno.