"Extracts from the Noldolante as played by a small chamber orchestra in a seaside pavilion at teatime" & "No more laments for me" by Himring

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"Extracts from the Noldolante as played by a small chamber orchestra in a seaside pavilion at teatime"

If you have any trouble following this, please take a closer look at the wording of the title and at the Story Notes (about the prompt), which should help.

Finrod sat stunned, not knowing whether to laugh or cry or what to feel.

‘Very well done,’ he managed. ‘Extremely well played.’

Elulindo flashed him a mischievous grin.

‘I thought you might like to see the score.’

He passed it to Finrod. It was, he saw, turning over the pages, meticulously written and lovingly detailed.

‘We don’t play it in public,’ Solosimpe cautioned.

‘Not yet,’ admitted Elulindo, sunnily.

Finrod closed his eyes for a moment.  He had not seen Elulindo dead after the First Kinslaying, but...

Some Falmari were already dealing with the past better than he could have believed.

Chapter End Notes

The title of the drabble is, of course, the title of Elulindo's piece of music. 

Solosimpe is my name for Maglor's wife; she is a member of the music academy and has featured elsewhere.

100 words in MS Word

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