"Extracts from the Noldolante as played by a small chamber orchestra in a seaside pavilion at teatime" & "No more laments for me" by Himring

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No more laments for me

 In Valinor, after both their returns from Mandos, Olwe's son, Elulindo, addresses his nephew Finrod, who lost a song battle against Sauron when Sauron reminded him of the First Kinslaying (in which Elulindo died), and says to him: Let us move on from those memories.

A tanka written for a tolkienshortfanworks challenge.

Warning for allusion to (temporary) canonical character death.

I will not carry
the weight of blood-stained sea foam
into a new age.
Pitch laughter against long grief—
let no Wolf Lord silence you!

Chapter End Notes

The other tolkienshortfanworks prompt (beside the poetic form of the tanka) was: sound versus silence.

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