Hold me in your arms by firstamazon

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Fanwork Notes

Written for Turgon's Rock Opera Challenge with the wonderful prompt Piece of my Heart, by Janis Joplin - and also the soundtrack that inspired me. 

Title is also from the song.

Fanwork Information


Celegorm loves. Aredhel does, too - but not quite.

Major Characters: Aredhel, Celegorm

Major Relationships: Aredhel/Celegorm

Genre: Drama, Romance

Challenges: Turgon's Rock Opera

Rating: Adult

Warnings: Sexual Content (Moderate)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 021
Posted on 18 September 2023 Updated on 19 September 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Hold me in your arms

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aww I love them... I love how Aredhel just says things without a filter and how Celegorm loves her all the more for it.  I love how Celegorm loves her and I ache how she loves him in return while not allowing it.  I love that they are friends.  *puppydog eyes* it's just... so much there