Trifles by oshun

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Smell So Good

This request is from Chaotic Binky: "How about Orcs fantasising about what it must feel like to be clean and not smell horrible."


It was a dark, cold night. The little Orc girl scooted closer to the camp fire. She loved it when her mother sounded happy, singing while she cooked.

Chop ‘im up.
Chop ‘im up.
Toss ‘im in the pot.
Nothing like a youngin’
To really hit the spot.

The Orkling snatched a tiny jacket and trousers that her mum had thrown to the side and sniffed.

“Watcha doing with those, ya little imp?” Her mother snorted disparagingly, but she didn’t sound angry.

“What are they?”

“Those are human-child clothes.”

“Can I keep ‘em?”

“I don’t know what you’d want ‘em for. They won’t wear worth nothin’ or be warm!”

“But they smell so good.”

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