To Whatever End by Grundy

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Fanwork Notes

I've given the prompts as chapter titles

Fanwork Information


Interludes with Finwë, from before the Journey to after.

Major Characters: Elu Thingol, Finwë, Indis, Ingwë, Míriel Serindë, Olwë

Major Relationships: Finwë/Indis/Míriel, Finwë & Ingwë & Thingol


Challenges: Meet & Greet

Rating: Teens

Warnings: Character Death

Chapters: 7 Word Count: 2, 538
Posted on 10 March 2024 Updated on 10 March 2024

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on To Whatever End

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Ah yes, 'heretical' Finwe... 

*Love* the reference to the Valarin name!

I love this idea of Ingwe being so utterly taken he doesn't even want to go back to get the others

And Elwe having a sister!

Fantastic little glimpses of Finwe's friendship with Olwe and Elwe

Oof... that ending... 


Less heretical than just free-thinking...

Ingwë would have happily sent the other two back to bring everyone, and contemplated the Trees the whole time they were gone.

If I'd used 'building a blanket fort' as the last prompt instead, the ending might have been slightly different, but I liked 'lost in memory' too much.

Thank you!

Wonderful! You've introduced so many concepts I've never even considered before!

"only half remain"... what a very sobering thought! I never thought of it those kinds of numbers, but it makes sense. *shudder*

I also never thought about what shooting stars might actually be, in a world where they're things Varda has hung in the heavens.

And now you mention it, it seems obvious that the Trees would hurt their eyes at first, but it never occurred to me. And I love that Ingwë is so enamored of them, explaining one of the reasons his people ended up living so close to them.

I so relate to Finwë wanting to coin better words... and being resigned to having to use those people stubbornly insist on retaining.

Oh. My. Gosh!!! Cloth made from the trees!! Wow! What an idea!

Eish! Interesting thoughts, devastatingly sad as they are, about the trio, and how those laws and customs were not created, nor agreed to, by the Eldar but rather imposed on them.

A lovely collection of insights into Finwë, I enjoyed them a lot