Jubilee Instadrabbling 2025 by Lindariel
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: Eight perfect drabbles (and one bonus accidentally AU one) from the SWG Discord instadrabbling session in January 2025. Major Characters: Major Relationships: Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Revolution Rating: Teens Warnings: Animal Abuse, Character Death, Violence (Mild) This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 9 | Word Count: 941 |
Posted on 20 January 2025 | Updated on 22 January 2025 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Prompt: comfort food
This drabble belongs in my "The Last Scion of Tevildo" series, after Chapter 3.
Read Prompt: comfort food
First Age 457, Gondolin
Maksar burst into Glorfindel's scriptorium, waving a cleaver. "Glorfindel! Get that cat of yours out of my larder, right now!" he shrieked.
Glorfindel blenched, following meekly as his chef led him to the granary. "What has he done?" he mumbled as they approached the door.
Maksar threw open the door and pointed accusingly to a small inky figure crouched on the blood-spotted floor.
"But see, Maksar! Your granaries will never be infested again," Glorfindel asserted, laughing.
Galehuine continued eating the mouse he'd just killed, ignoring the Elves. He hadn't tasted anything this familiar since he left the plains of Angband.
Chapter End Notes
"Galehuine" is the name Glorfindel has bestowed upon Rútaura, the first in what I foresee as a long string of re-namings.
Prompt: a sky full of stars
Read Prompt: a sky full of stars
Years of the Trees circa 1300, Menegroth
Elwë Singollo hesitated in the doorway. He settled his grey cloak more firmly on his shoulders; it was cool in this cavern, much cooler than the midsummer night outside.
The chief engineer called from inside, "come, lord, see what your treasure has bought you."
Elwë took a deep breath and stepped into his new throne room. His eyes followed the walls up, and up, and up to the domed roof. And then he gasped, for he could see the stars even more clearly than if he were standing in a clearing in Neldoreth.
"Here is your Menelrond," said the Dwarf.
Prompt: hurt, delusions, tandem, fly
Read Prompt: hurt, delusions, tandem, fly
Fourth Age 24, The Shire
Frodo struggled to pick up the heavy hamper by himself. Wrapping her hands around one handle, Rosie tugged and said "let me help, silly!"
Working in tandem, they managed to move their trove of windfalls to the shade of the Party Tree. Halfway home!
Elanor hurried up to them. "What are you doing?" she demanded.
"Sam-Dad said we could eat the hurt ones," insisted Frodo, brushing away a fly from a particularly bruised one.
"If you think you're eating that many apples all by yourselves, you can stow that with your other delusions," Elanor scolded. "You'd be sick until Yule!"
Prompt: a thousand feet of snow over my heart
Read Prompt: a thousand feet of snow over my heart
First Age 457, Gondolin
Turgon walked through the assembly, steps measured, eyes ahead. His white cloak swirled around him like an improbable snowstorm on the warm mountain breeze, his dark hair streaming out behind him unbraided.
He placed the capstone on his father's monument and stood a while, hands still holding the cold stone. He closed his eyes, seeing first his father's face and then, shatteringly, that of Elenwë.
After a moment, Idril walked up and laid her hand over her father's hands. "Come away, father."
"I don't know which is worse," he said to her, "tomb or no tomb," as tears finally came.
Prompt: beauties, terrors, sun, power
takes place between the Years of the Trees and the First Age
Read Prompt: beauties, terrors, sun, power
After traversing many craggy mountains and countless rivers, Ungoliant finally stopped to rest. A long valley cleft in the foothills offered her cover and a place she could populate with the terrors of her own spinning. She crouched and laid her eggs, brooding on Morgoth's treachery.
As she waited for her children to hatch, a new enemy appeared. At the edge of the sky it hovered, then began to rise. Not for her the beauties of the first sun rising above Beleriand; she only saw food!light that she could never reach, a power greater than the darkness of her legacy.
Prompt: the cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea
Read Prompt: the cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea
Fourth Age 121, South Ithilien
"My mother's people always say 'the cure for anything is salt water,'" said Legolas to Gimli. "We are putting that ancient adage to the test these days."
"We have tried the tears," replied Gimli, looking over his shoulder upriver, toward the north. He sighed again for the restored splendor of Elessar, reposing eternally in Rath Dínen this last year.
"We have tried the sweat," continued Legolas, grasping the rudder of his little ship, smoothly carved of Ithilien birch, as the deck rocked beneath their feet.
"And now we must try the sea," finished Gimli, as he cast off the line.
Prompt: spark, night, rooftop, woodsmoke
Read Prompt: spark, night, rooftop, woodsmoke
First Age 455, Gondolin
Húrin and Huor could barely breathe in the tower room that was their guesthouse. As soon as the chatelaine left them alone, they bolted for the night air beyond their balcony door.
As the boys stood at the balustrade they could see much of the south side of the city of Gondolin, which seemed to stretch endlessly beneath them. They watched woodsmoke carrying spark after spark emerge from stone chimneys that dotted every structure. They squirmed, waiting for the inevitable fires to break out, not realizing that they were seeing for the first time the advantage of a slate rooftop.
Prompt: courtship/dating, identity, the late bloomer, experimenting with clothes
Read Prompt: courtship/dating, identity, the late bloomer, experimenting with clothes
Very early Third Age, Imladris
Elrond shucked off the green-embroidered robe, groaning.
"How about the blue one?" suggested Erestor. "The sleeves are shorter, and you won't blend in with the trees."
Elrond pointed to his brightest robe, discarded several changes ago. "That one, I guess. If I'm going to feel like I'm on fire, I suppose I should look the part."
"You weren't ready for this, were you?" Erestor concluded.
"No, I never thought I would care for this sort of thing. Too busy fighting. But Celebrían! Is she not perfect, Erestor?"
"Yes, yes," Erestor soothed, smiling unnoticed as he handed Elrond the red robe.
Prompt: an image of flowers growing in a denuded birch grove
Technically I suppose this is an AU drabble because I forgot until after I finished it that Galadriel left Beleriand before, not after, the destruction of Nargothrond.
Read Prompt: an image of flowers growing in a denuded birch grove
First Age 500, Beleriand
The eaves of Brethil had been so scarred by the passage of Glaurung and Orcs that it seemed they would never recover. The blasted earth itself retained the marks of passage of the wyrm for several seasons, and Galadriel doubted her ability to ever heal it. At last she flung herself face-down into a shallow depression and focused her entire hröa harder than she ever had on cleansing the soil to encourage new growth. She felt the poisonous dirt respond beneath her and leapt up as a spray of pink flowers sprung from the restored earth to bloom beneath her.
the cure for anything is salt water
Ahhhhhh this gives me so many feeelssssssss. I love itttt
Thanks! I was baffled by…
Thanks! I was baffled by this prompt until I considered taking all three of the cures in one go, at which point it all fell into place.