For What I Wait by Dawn Felagund
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: For Hannah, an "AU in which Fëanor outlives all of his children." Fëanor and Maglor, together at the end. MEFA 2008 nominee. Major Characters: Fëanor, Maglor Major Relationships: Challenges: Gift of a Story Rating: Teens Warnings: Suicide, Character Death, Mature Themes This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 1, 209 |
Posted on 1 December 2007 | Updated on 1 December 2007 |
This fanwork is complete. |
For What I Wait
This story is for Hannah, and it certainly doesn't brim with cheer … but she asked for it! That is, an "AU in which Fëanor outlives all of his children." :)
Read For What I Wait
I have filled the teacup to brimming, and I totter from the kitchen to the bedroom, trying not to slosh hot tea upon my hand. I blow gently upon it, to cool it, as I walk. He will drink it even if it scalds his mouth. He has done it before, groaning in pain, then drinking deeper until I must wrest the cup from him.
"Macalaurë," I call gently. We use the old tongue with each other, even in this new world where our people have been relegated to myth. I keep my ears covered with a hat when I go out of the house. The brightness of my eyes they attribute to sorrow; "Fëanor Full of Tears" they call me. But the tears were dried long ago, when I used to gaze upon Laurelin until my eyes were dry again. Laurelin is no more, and so I do not weep, else I might never stop.
Macalaurë curls upon his side in the bed. I have kept the fire high and piled him with furs and quilts, yet still he shivers. His skin has gone translucent, like my fingers might pass through it, like he might disappear and be marked only by the silent collapse of the bedclothes around him. Gray veins are too dark upon pale skin, surging with sluggish blood. The tea is cooled enough to drink, and so I help him to sit. Once upon a time, I might have traced my son's life upon the page as I might have plotted a mathematical equation: His birth at the nadir and his rise through wonder and grace and wisdom--on and on, he should have gone, his line stretched off the page. But unmarked by me, he began to falter and fall. What, then, was the apex, I wonder?
The Noldolantë.
That was my son's greatest achievement: to lament my deeds in such a way that even I almost wept and certainly regretted.
I will not think of it.
"Macalaurë, take your tea." Now, back nearly to the nadir again, he is as helpless as a child. I must fold his fingers around the cup and guide it to his lips. Tea dribbles down his chin; I have proffered it too quickly. I wipe his face. The other day, even, he wet in his bed, and showed no shame in it; I had not the heart to scold. His eyes are half-lidded, smoky glimmers beneath thick, dark lashes. "Do you even hear me?" I whisper. He hears me, yes--his eyelids flutter and his lips twitch--but he has forgotten how to speak and, certainly, to sing.
I remember when we came here, to this cottage by the sea, and he still fumbled melodies upon a lap harp, sitting on the rocks by the water. His voice had begun even then to lose its strength, but it was still lovely to hear. It trembled like moonlight on the water or stars beneath a haze or a body spent in passion. Is that his trouble? We are immortal, yes, but his life has contained more than any single person should have to endure, even across the whole of time.
Then, he'd sung of his brothers, or his mother left behind over the sea. I'd forced myself to listen. The people in this land sometimes scourge themselves under the pretense of purification. His voice was my scourge. When it ended--
My deeds are mine alone to bear.
It was a winter night when he spoke for the last time, bitterly cold with winds that howled as they tossed the trees and frenzied the sea. I might have turned for ten seconds--long enough to stoke the fire--and he was gone. When I found him, he was seated upon the rocks by the sea, barefoot, in naught but a nightshirt, hugging his knees to his chest. His harp lay, broken, on the rocks below. He rocked, and he sang. The wind thrashed harder, trying to take his voice from him, but his words would not be quelled. Long ago, I had learned that.
He sang of his brother, of my firstborn. Of Maedhros--that name, bitter upon my tongue. My forgiveness of Maedhros has been slow in arriving. Each of my sons died, at the least, in the promotion of our cause. But Maedhros: he took his own life. The life that I gave him; this I could not forget. It was akin to a gift rejected, tossed to the dirt and crushed beneath one's foot. Even when his feet had naught beneath them, Macalaurë had said, still he stood, suspended, just for a moment. Thinking how mad you'd be, likely. Laughing in that fey manner that made the hair on my arms stand on end, for it was oft-heard, familiar; it was my laugh.
But that night, on the rocks by the sea, he sang to the sky of his brother. He sang in Quenya, in a voice I had not heard since first he sang the Noldolantë.
Ere you left
For the dark places
'Tween the stars.
My mouth opened to call his name, but the wind took my voice.
I still linger.
For what I wait
Is a new star
In those dark places.
For what I wait
Is you.
I reached the rocks then and gathered him in my arms. His body was wracked with shivers, and his naked feet had long gone numb and would not support his weight. "Macalaurë, you fool!" I whispered as I carried him back to the house like a child.
And that was the last that he spoke.
He has finished his tea. I take the cup from his stiff fingers and kiss his forehead. "Macalaurë, you must live for me." Lips still warm with life move against his cold skin, but his eyes have long fallen shut, and he dreams. Of what? Of dark places?
Long I lay beside him, trying to rekindle his warmth, renew his life. Once I gave him life, why not again? Why should a parent be made to watch his child die when his own life blazes unchecked?
I think of Maedhros stepping from the precipice and lingering for just a moment upon the air. Macalaurë, he lingers.
Forgive me, Atar.
Torn from dreams, I hear porcelain shatter against the floor; the teacup tumbled from my hand as I slept. Macalaurë's cold body is still wrapped by mine. His face is turned into his pillow. I turn him upon his back, turn his face to mine, but neither breath nor song will ever again cross those lips.
The cold is biting and the wind is fierce. How have I come here? Naked feet are cut on the frozen ground, and I feel every cut. The snow melts where I walk.
I scream at the sky and the stars reel overhead. My scream is louder even than the whipping wind. It fills me. I seek all of the dark places. I seek all of the dark places, and two new stars that must be there. They must, they must.
He said he waited.
They must!
Where are they?
I still linger.
For what I wait
Is a new star
In those dark places.
For what I wait
Is you.
Chapter End Notes
Macalaurë is Maglor's Quenya name.
(1) Comment by Tarion Anarore for For What I Wait
This? This is entirely depressing, and wonderfully written. I will admit, it certainly brought tears to *my* eyes.
Re: (1) Comment by Tarion Anarore for For What I Wait
People will probably be annoyed with me when I say that I wasn\'t sure if this story worked when first I wrote it. But then, I\'ve gotten three separate confessions of tears, so maybe it did. ;)
Thank you, Tarion, for the review (and for the postcard, which is sitting on my desk as we speak type!) *hugs*
(2) Comment by Lethe for For What I Wait
I've read this again and I am tearing up again, it's like a knife in the heart. I do not know why I must read stories which reduce me to tears, but they are the only one's which touch my soul, and somehow, I cannot stop. This has to go on my favorites for its sheer tragic beauty which is so '' Silmarillion. ''
Re: (2) Comment by Lethe for For What I Wait
Wow, I\'m so honored! Thank you! *squee* I\'m that way too, though, about wanting to read and reread stories and books that make me cry. Actually, last night, I was driving home from dinner with my husband, and a Christmas song came on the radio that always makes me cry. You\'d think I\'d turn off the radio when it comes on or at least talk over it. Nope ... the radio was left on and conversation *stopped* (which is a feat because my husband and I are both first-class yammerers which ... erm ... I\'m afraid I\'m demonstrating in this reply). But I love that song, in part because it can move me to tears.
For me, it\'s the desire to experience all emotions that keeps me coming back to stories that torment me to tears. ;) I\'m lucky to have a comfortable and happy life, and it\'s a reminder of that ... and it\'s also good \"practice\" for writing sad stuff too, I\'ll admit. ;)
Thank you again!
(3) Comment by Elleth for For What I Wait
Your beginning statements "We use the old tongue with each other, even in this new world where our people have been relegated to myth. I keep my ears covered with a hat when I go out of the house. The brightness of my eyes they attribute to sorrow; "Fëanor Full of Tears" they call me." - make me wonder just how far in the future or in what kind of AU this is set. "Fëanor Full of Tears" has an almost religious ring to it, as do the allusions to purification later on. - But whatever world or universe this is set in, it works well to introduce that almost surreal voice - very fitting for elves, relegated to myth - and more so for the greatest of them.
I'm not sure what else to say... the story is heartbreaking. Despite that despair he has fled himself into, it is not only Macalaure who has suffered so much, Feanor certainly seems to have been around as well - though he probably won't be there much longer if the role reversal (or not quite, since nobody is there to assume Feanor's role as the parent and caretaker) in the end is any indication.
The song, or poem - haunting, beautiful, and fitting. In style, meter and theme it reminds me of Tolkien's "The Last Ark" -
The old darkness beyond the stars falling upon fallen towers.
- and still not quite as hopeless. Waiting, after all, implies that there is going to be some sort of return, even for the Feanoreans.
I think this (like "Hazard", "One Last Wish" and "Rekindling") is going to stay with me for a while. Thank you for sharing it.
(4) Comment by Lethe for For What I Wait
This made me weep. I don't brim over easily, but I have to say that of all the books or stories that I have read, only those which move me to tears do I place on a pedestal above all others. There aren't many. The Silmarillion is one, I cry through most of the First Age. And this is another. Poignant, sorrowful, heart-wrenching, truly excellent.
Re: (4) Comment by Lethe for For What I Wait
Wow, I\'m so honored! Thank you! *squee* I\'m that way too, though, about wanting to read and reread stories and books that make me cry. Actually, last night, I was driving home from dinner with my husband, and a Christmas song came on the radio that always makes me cry. You\'d think I\'d turn off the radio when it comes on or at least talk over it. Nope ... the radio was left on and conversation *stopped* (which is a feat because my husband and I are both first-class yammerers which ... erm ... I\'m afraid I\'m demonstrating in this reply). But I love that song, in part because it can move me to tears.
For me, it\'s the desire to experience all emotions that keeps me coming back to stories that torment me to tears. ;) I\'m lucky to have a comfortable and happy life, and it\'s a reminder of that ... and it\'s also good \"practice\" for writing sad stuff too, I\'ll admit. ;)
Thank you again!
(5) Comment by Robinka for For What I Wait
I feel ashamed that all I can do after reading this story is to cry out 'Oh my God!' and burst into tears. I have no more words that seem fitting for a review just now.
Brilliant and so tragic I can't really express how much.
Re: (5) Comment by Robinka for For What I Wait
Thanks, Binka!
It\'s funny ... I wasn\'t really pleased with this story when I wrote it. I\'m not that comfortable with AU, and I just felt that I didn\'t quite nail the story how I wanted. But it\'s gotten such a nice response so far that I feel I\'ve been given an unexpected gift! I\'m surely not complaining. :)
(6) Comment by mistrali for For What I Wait
Once I gave him life, why not again? Why should a parent be made to watch his child die when his own life blazes unchecked?
It's so heartbreaking to think of Maglor actually losing his voice, and still more that once-powerful Fëanor is so helpless while watching his son die.
I have kept the fire high and piled him with furs and quilts, yet still he shivers
*sigh* It's a pity Fëanor didn't know what we do now about controlling fever. He might've saved his son.
tossed to the dirt and crushed beneath one's foot. Even when his feet had naught beneath him
I liked the association you've made here, from . It feels appropriately stream-of-conscious to me, exactly the way one thought would trigger another tangential one. It should be "beneath them", though.
Re: (6) Comment by mistrali for For What I Wait
Thanks for reading and commenting, Mistrali! Seeing this story again was really a blast from the past. :) I'm glad it worked for you ... and thanks for catching that typo!
(7) Comment by Himring for For What I Wait
This came up in the random story box.
I had originally read in when I was still lurking. I've just re-read it and it still strikes home, as it did then.