The Legacy of Loss by IgnobleBard

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Fanwork Notes

Many thanks to Oshun for the terrific last minute beta work. You're my shining star!

Fanwork Information


At the end of the War of Wrath a follower of Oromë finds a new purpose.

Major Characters: Lórien, Original Character(s), Oromë

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, General, Hurt/Comfort

Challenges: Start to Finish

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 235
Posted on 10 November 2019 Updated on 10 November 2019

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Legacy of Loss

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I found this story very strong and original. A lot of fanfic is (in a warm and pleasant way) echoes back shared interpretations and preferences about favorite canon characters and events. I know I love to write that sort of familiar (to me) fanfic and read it too! I also really enjoy cross-fertilization. But this one came out of some other place for me! (I wanna say it shows that you don't sit around reading a bunch of the current Silm meta! Not that there is anything wrong with that--I'm a glutton for it myself.)

Wow! I like this story a lot. I would never have written it. I do know a few people who recently have chosen to explore the War of Wrath and others who have written fic relating to followers of Oromë--usually not in the same stories. And I like the idea of dream therapy and a guy underestimating how much he has to contribute and being corrected and re-directed. 

Hey. dude, where did you get the name Ruiechil? 

Thanks so much, Oshun. You're my biggest fan and the inspector who keeps me writing.

I admit to having a soft spot for several of the Valar, Orome being one and Irmo being another. I actually meant this story to be about Eärendil fighting the dragon but it got away from me. I find the idea of these beings, which have been around since the dawn of time, going to physical war hard to wrap my head around. I'm drawn to the notion of how these traumatic events affect the average person/immortal being. it's a fascinating idea, but too much to explore in a short piece. Good enough for a fairytale of sorts though.

You're right, I don't keep up with or follow trends I just write what a prompt suggests. This one got away frim me. I was going to write about Eärendil fighting the dragon and it turned into this. A leopard can't change its spots.

The name Ruiechil is straight from Darth Fingon. I don't even attempt to make these up on my own. lol

I'm glad you liked this and I'm grateful for your help with it.

I don't think I've ever seen a story centered on a Maia who fought (and "died") in the War of Wrath, so this was wholly unexpected and intriguing. I'm glad Ruiechil has found healing and a new purpose after the loss of his home. Loved the vivid description of the dream, too.

I enjoyed this very much.  So descriptive!  In a gloriously dark and gloomy way.  I've always desired to write something deliciously horrific and beautiful at the same time, but never have managed it.  You have done so with such an original story.  There is something about writing from an OC's POV that allows the imagination to create such wonderful descriptions and ideas.


I really liked the line about Eru allowing discord into the music.  I've often wondered why he didn't do something about it and avoid all the suffering and misery that so many of Tolkien's characters suffered.


Thank you for writing such an inspiring and moving piece.

What a nice compliment, jenni. Thanks so much! The first line I chose made me think of The War of Wrath right away and the thought of the dragons making even the Valar fall back in fear and amazement is a stunning idea. I'm glad you enjoyed it. 

I don't think the Valar ever understood the discord either, but they have a rather narrow perspective whereas Eru sees the big picture, and his ways are his own.