Fanworks Tagged with Fingolfin

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The darkening of hearts by Nuredhel

When Fëanor realize the truth about his son's realtionship with his cousin he tries to break the two apart by forcing Maedhros into a marriage. What he fails to realize is that he by doing this is introducing an innocent third person into the family, a young nis who does firmly believe that this will be the end of everything. How can she survive when hearts turn dark and cold and the light itself is stolen from them. Can she ever find true love? And will the truth about her unusual life ever be revealed?

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Eglairaith. by hennethgalad

Fingolfin sends Hador away before Nargothrond lest he fall in love with Finrod. 


(Assumes that Finrod loves Glorfindel. See 'Eithel Ivrin' if you like, though it’s not necessary)

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Strangeness and Charm by elvntari

The Mereth Aderthad. Daeron is sent as one of the two reptresentatives of Doriath, expecting to be bored and offended by those he encounters there, instead he is amazed by the talent and charm of a certain Maglor Feanorion, a bloodstained mystery with a brilliant ear.

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Maurn. by hennethgalad

Crossing the plain of East Beleriand, they meet some wood-elves. 

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Horses. by hennethgalad

They leave the House of Angrod and cross Ard-galen, where they are met by Aegnor, and Fingolfin meets Rochallor for the first time. 

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"when all other lights go out" by hennethgalad

Fingolfin tries to persuade Maedhros to join in attacking Morgoth before Dagor Bragollach. 

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Ard-galen. by hennethgalad

Part two of 'Children of Ilúvatar'. 


The expedition of Fingolfin crosses the plain to the Halls of Angrod. 

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Children of Ilúvatar. by hennethgalad

Fingolfin meets Hador Lórindol, and Gildis. 

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I Will Share Your Road by Lotrfan


The road from Tirion is harsh and difficult but Nolofinwë finds his arrival in Beleriand far different than he expected.

Written for the Teitho contest prompt "Expectation."

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The Words You Left Me by eris_of_imladris

Ten words that influenced Fëanor and Fingolfin’s relationship and drove them down their paths to doom. Inspired by the concept and lyrics of Milim from Eurovision 2010 as part of SWG’s “Competition” prompt.

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People of the Ice by Fadesintothewest

The Fëanorians find that their kin who crossed the Ice have been utterly changed. Fingon is utterly changed. All of them are.

This Fingon-centric story is an exploration of Fingolfin's host and the impact of the Grinding Ice on who they became as a people once they arrived to MIddle Earth. They are often portrayed as not being changed much by the Helcaraxë. This story presents a different interpretation, exploring the darker edges of elven psyche. In attempt to reconcile some gaps between canon and the length of time it takes Fingon to go out and rescue Maedhros this story explores why that time elapsed. Get ready for a not so nice Fingon, hardened by the many losses of his People and the betrayal Maedhros.


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Axis Mundi by just_jenni

This story is a completely AU fabrication, loosely based upon some of the events taking place at the time of the trees in Valinor. However, none of the outcomes follow the ones in the actual Silmarillion but take a wild turn of their own. In this fic Feanaro and Nolofinwe become inseparable lovers, with Feanaro helping his half-brother to become a strong person in his own right, having been ignored most of his life by his father Finwe, who prefers his oldest son. It's only when Feanaro finally convinces Finwe that Nolofinwe is worthy of his respect that the universe rights itself and all is as it should be.

My sincere apologies to JRR Tolkien for altering his story concerning these characters.

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Belated by Dawn Felagund

On two occasions, Finwë was late for Fëanor's departure into the North. This story explores the complexity and evolution of the relationship between Finwë and Fëanor.

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Chess by grey_gazania

Fingolfin enjoys what will be his last moment of peace with his family.

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Reconciliation by Ariana

Story about the recovery of Maedhros and his efforts to find himself in this new reality, but also to stitch back what was torn among the Noldor. Lots of relations between brothers.

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Red Sun Rising by Elwin Fortuna

Fingolfin passes on the crown to Fingon his son and heir.

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Mereth Aderthad by Grundy

“When twenty years of the Sun had passed, Fingolfin King of the Noldor made a great feast; and it was held in the spring near to the pools of Ivrin, whence the swift river Narog arose, for there the lands were green and fair at the feet of the Mountains of Shadow that shielded them from the North. The joy of that feast was long remembered in later days of sorrow; and it was called Mereth Aderthad, the Feast of Reuniting.”

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Helcaraxë by hennethgalad

Fingolfin, his family and friends, confront the ice and the unknown, and are drawn closer together by their feat of endurance. But Fingolfin suffers bitter loneliness and only the great valour of the other Elves gives him the strength to keep moving.

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Milk by heget

Fingolfin is introduced to a bizarre mortal custom.

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Melkor Stirs Strife among the Noldor by Nixie Genesis

Melkor weaves his lies, especially between the sons of Finwë. (Artwork)

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Defiant Hope, Take Wing by Lordnelson100

Caranthir the Dark does business with an Edain, and unwittingly gives rise to the hope of Middle-earth. Maedhros forms a plan.

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Thangorodrim Triptych by lightofthetrees

A set of three ficlets. The first explores Fingon's interactions with his father and siblings after returning from rescuing Maedhros. The second involves Maedhros, Mairon, smithing, and symbolism. The third is a heart-to-heart between Fingon and Maedhros in which Maedhros confesses that he is going to pass the kingship of the Noldor to Fingolfin.

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In Praise of the Feast at Ivrin by Himring

Of the Feast of Reuniting at the pools of Ivrin it is said that the joy of that feast was long remembered in later days of sorrow.

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