Fanworks Tagged with Fingolfin

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Antarctica by elennalore

Thou shalt lead and I will follow. Saying those words, Nolofinwë had not guessed that his brother would lead him all the way to Antarctica.

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Making a King by chrissystriped

Fingon witnesses Maedhros giving the High Kingship to Fingolfin.

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United We Stand by Rocky41_7

The Feanorians had not looked for their Exile kin, and had expected no reunion. When Nolofinwe arrives in Middle-earth, they must determine if he has come as friend or foe.

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Insomnia by Sublime Penguin

Anairës nightly vigil before Ñolofinwë leaves, illustration for Till Morning Breaks by Raiyana

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To Tell the Truth by chrissystriped

After his rebirth Nolofinwe knows he can't lie to Anaire any longer, even if the chance of Maedhros to ever be reborn is slim.

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Fire and Death by chrissystriped

After the Dagor Bragollach, Fingolfin sees no other way but to challenge Morgoth. When he hears of his death, Maedhros is devastated.

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Constellation of the North by heget


Loosely all the fics featuring or staring Fingolfin, Gil-galad, or Gil-galad's mother, Meril. Geographical focus on Hithlum and northeastern Beleriand. Also will be the Hadorian counterpart to the Bëorian collection.

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Letters by chrissystriped

Nolofinwe and Maedhros write each other letters while they live on opposite ends of Beleriand.

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Mereth Aderthad by chrissystriped

The joy of that feast was long remembered in later days of sorrow; and it was called Mereth Aderthad, the Feast of Reuniting -- The Silmarillion

Fingolfin invites all the elves of Beleriand to a feast. It is a very good excuse to see Maedhros again.

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Finwean Ladies Week 2021 by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Loosely connected Finwean Ladies Week snippets written for the prompts. 

Chapter One: Indis & Miriel (mostly Indis conflicting with Feanaro, mention of Findis, small Lalwen and Nolofinwe)

Chapter Two: Findis & Lalwen (Findis protesting Lalwen's desire to follow their brothers into Exile.)

Chapter Three: Artanis & Irisse (Galadriel and Aredhel on the Helcaraxe. Fingon being a teasing brother, mention of Finrod)

Chapter Four: 

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six:

Chapter Seven:

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Young Thranduil's Confusion (Or, A Númenórean Poem Most Strange...) by Kaylee Arafinwiel

In the midst of the War of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, ticking down to the end of the Second Age, there are frequently lulls between the action-packed moments. War is a lot of waiting, as one young Sindarin lieutenant - who happens to be Greenwood's crown prince - learns to his dismay.

Still, in such quiet moments are friendships fostered. Prince Elendur Isildurchil, the very first of Isildur's Heirs, has often invited Greenwood's prince to spend time in his tent and learn the wisdom of Men.

Sometimes Thranduil learns lessons the barely more than elfling is ill prepared for...and Elendur's not much more prepared for moments like these.

Let's hope Lord Elrond and their edair never find out...

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The Teleri Times. by hennethgalad

Controversy rages at the Games as the House of Fëanor is accused of using performance enhancing drugs.


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Once Upon A Time And Long Ago by AdmirableMonster

When the twins' fathers finally leave them to go after the Silmarils, Elros and Elrond decide they don't deserve to be orphaned a second time. In the midst of a great storm, though, strange magics are unleashed, and they wake up five hundred years earlier in an unsullied paradise. But dark things are stirring in Valinor, and the twins are told to tread lightly, lest they unweave their very existence.

Can they find a way to save their fathers and return to their own time, or will it all play out the same way and end in fire?

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Always there for you by chrissystriped

After Fingolfin gets a worrying letter from Maedhros, he rides to Himring to be there for him.

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Complete by Melesta

Turukáno has come of age and discovers a bond deeper than friendship between his brother Findekáno and their cousin Maitimo. How does this impact his own life?

How does Turgon come to see the bond between Fingon and Maedhros? What does it have to do with his decisions in Beleriand, in Gondolin, and later back in Valinor? Can he cope with and forgive everything that has happened?

An attempt to explore the complex psychology of Turgon through the ages, from his own POV.

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Turning Point by elennalore

The Valar have spoken. Arafinwë knows he has to make a big decision, but he's too tired to think clearly. His brother and sister are there for him, even at the moment of parting.

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The Prince and his Servant by chrissystriped

In Aman Maedhros and Fingolfin start a secret relationship based on their common taste for plays of power and pain. When Maedhros comes back from Angband hurt both in body and soul Fingolfin does everything he can to make him still feel wanted.

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Ribbon-Cutting Instadrabbling by Lindariel

Instadrabbles from the ribbon-cutting event on the SWG Discord server, 24-25 April 2021, on the theme of renewal

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Cosmological Poems of Arda by AaronAzrael

I would like to share my revelations of Tolkien's Universe in the form of narrative and emotional poems.

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Piecing our Lives back together by chrissystriped

Findekáno brings Maitimo home, but nothing is like it was between Nolofinwe and Maedhros after his imprisonment in Angband. Maedhros feels tainted and unworthy, but Nolofinwe is not going to give up on him.

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The Fall of the House of Fëanor by Dawn Felagund

This series encompasses my stories about the House of Fëanor from their early days in Aman until their demise. All of the stories are set in the same \"verse,\" use the same original characters and conventions, and are intended to be read together. They are kept in the order in which they are best read, so starting at the top and working down will keep you pretty much in sequence. Story content and ratings vary, so please check each story before reading. Other authors who have played with the same ideas as used in my stories are welcome to add to the series. Please email or PM me if you\'d like me to add your story.

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Maitimo and Findekáno by oshun

Stories written within the same universe and story arc. The featured characters are Fingon and Maedhros but also includes at various points most of the Finweans and their descendants. (Many, but far from all, of these stories include mature themes. Please see individual stories for ratings.)

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To Give in Return by Dawn Felagund

Many times a day I realize how much my own life is built on the labors of my fellowmen, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received.
Albert Einstein

This series will serve as a home for the stories that I have written for friends and peers between American Thanksgiving and the end of the year 2007.

Every year, I like to write something for the friends and people who have helped me as an author that year. I love writing these stories. As a writer, I look forward to December more than any other time of the year. It is otherwise impossible for me to put into words the joy and gratitude that these people bring into my life every day. The only way I have found is to wile away an afternoon with no thought but crafting a story where they will love each and every word ...

And this series is the fruits of that.

That said, I\'ve asked for requests on LJ, and am always happy to take more. Check out this entry here for more information. Also, all of my stories--including non-Silmarillion pieces--can be read here.

Many, many thanks for another fantastic year.

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My Preciousssss Mary Sues by whitewave

The main theme of the Non-Canon stories here will be Humor/Parody, bordering on the "Heretic".  Please do not read if you are easily offended by these contents.

All stories will contain much adult language, innuendo, nudity, suggestive/compromising positions, and many embarassing situations for the characters, especially the Fëanorions and Mary Sue.  

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Dark Prince ~ The Darkness Has Its Own Light by Spiced Wine

Vanimórë, son of Sauron, was born in the shadows of Tol-in-Gaurhoth. A plaything, a slave, a warrior, he was bound to his father\'s mind, and tempered as a weapon of the Dark over thousands of years.

They forged better than they knew.

Trained in the pits of Angband, Vanimórë could command armies, kill without conscience, and he could hate those he served. But he would not break for them. The blood of the Eldar ran strong in him. His path was inextricably linked to some of the most famed and tragic of the Elves, and lead to a destiny he could never have imagined.

The Darkness –
– has its own Light.

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