Fanworks Tagged with Fingolfin

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Golden Light : Hador in Hithlum by bunn

"All his life, he would remember that moment: the silver bells of Hithlum greeting the rising sun, and then, as if in answer to the bells, voices raised in song, the voices of the Eldar, impossibly clear, impossibly beautiful. "

In which Hador Lórindol comes to Hithlum, swears fealty to Fingolfin, and follows his lord to the end. And doesn't regret a thing. (Well, maybe that one embarrassing misunderstanding about the Feanorians....)

Thanks to pp for beta reading.

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Of the Coming of Fingolfin to Mandos and his meeting with Fëanor by bunn

How *do* dead elves get to the Halls of Mandos anyway? And once they get there, what do they say to one another?

Fingolfin could feel his temper rising, predictable, and yet he could not stop it. His years of kingship vanished in the mist. He was the younger, less talented, less cherished brother again, but one with a list of grievances that had grown very long.

“What more did you want of me?” he said. “I gave my word. He is my father too, and he was king of all of us!"

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Pride by just_jenni

 Immediately after the darkening of Valinor, Anaire and Fingolfin have a conversation about Feanor.

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See How They Burn by Grundy

Vignettes from the relationship of Fëanor and Nerdanel, from beginning to parting.

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Like The Fall Of Night by hennethgalad

Morgoth sells the concept of swords to the elves through his minions.


(Ah, er, contains a canon error. Mairon was not in Valinor at the same time as the elves.

However, i could just change the name of the evil maia and it would be compatible...)

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The Deaths of Kings: Historical Bias in the Death Scenes of Fëanor and Fingolfin by Dawn Felagund

The death scenes of Fëanor and Fingolfin parallel each other closely in plot, beginning with the rash pursuit of single combat with Morgoth. Yet the manner in which the narrator of The Silmarillion, Pengolodh, employs language and symbolism leads to two very different conclusions that likely served to advance Pengolodh's political and personal agenda. Written for B2MeM 2017 for the prompt "Analyze a Chapter or Passage" on the nonfiction (orange) path.

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Book Blubs by oshun

Chapter 5 – Bird Talk - Known for his popular TV show “Shut Up and Listen,” specialist in bird behavior from early childhood Turko Fëanárion insists that his methods work with the most resistant birds and the clumsiest of humans. Get all the details in this water-resistant 100-page paperback guide.
These blurbs are written by a reader who is on the mailing lists of far too many publishing companies. Why not use some of the dozens of prompts of yet another annual B2MeM to design covers or ads, write ad copy, review, or draft summaries of books I would not be likely to write?

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Maglor's Pageant by hennethgalad

Glorfindel performs in front of Finrod.

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Your tongue upon my scars by Sleepless_Malice

Fingolfin wants to make Fëanor pay for the burning of the ships in his very own way. Canon divergence AU for Fëanor being still alive when Fingolfin and his followers reach Beleriand.

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Spiders by hennethgalad

A letter from Turgon to Fingolfin re spiders.

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Spirit of Fire by Lotrfan

Author note: I recently did a series of 100-word drabbles about Maedhros (No Flame Burns Forever). It was a good exercise so I thought I would try a similar idea with Fëanor as the central character. I have been reluctant to utilize him as a character in my works, as I am somewhat intimidated when I think about writing him. These short glimpses into his life gave me a better sense of how I think of him in my head canon and made me more comfortable with his character in general. So here is a series of 100-word (occasionally more than 100 words!) drabbles from the point of view of Fëanor. 


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The Warmth He Gave by Urloth

It was an elf, his horse fallen near him and dead by a snapped neck, struggling despite how thoroughly Nan Elmoth had wrapped him in her most poisonous children.

He was shining, Maeglin thought, like a star that had fallen straight out of the sky. His hair like the mercury his father used, skin like the hazelnuts that his mother devoured when in her better moments.

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Édebar by Urloth

Édebar was a tidal island. It had been a resting place of the Lady Uinen who had gifted it to a group of those who had pledged devotion to her to create a sanctuary for those who were mentally distressed or unhappy to find peace again. It was a far more discrete option than the long trip to Lorien, and Lorien was usually reserved for extreme cases.

Girls crying about their marriage prospects was not considered extreme.

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I Will Sleep No More But Arise by Elwin Fortuna

Nolofinwë goes to Formenos in an effort to repair things with his half-brother.

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Sleeping I Dreamed Love, Dreamed Love Of Thee by Elwin Fortuna

Nolofinwë is dreaming. This must be a dream. If so, it is a very good dream.

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Arrow in Flight by Zdenka

Aredhel deals with Fëanorians, family, and the Ice. (A sequence of eight drabbles.)

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Her Black Prince Vorandil Aglamir by JT Tomas

Kyron Tramell is a black high school student waking up everyday in a caged life of cocaine fumes, gunshots and abuse at the hands of thugs and a drug addicted stepfather. Then one day he opens his eyes to a magical reality. Kyron's a changeling, the son of a Noldorin Prince will his heritage & romance save him from the vengeance his heart craves for past bullies?

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Maps by grey_gazania

Fingon, Caranthir, and the aftermath of Maedhros' capture by Morgoth.

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Maudits silmarils, livre 2 by Dilly

À Gondolin, pendant que ses chevaliers parcourent le monde, Turgon déprime... Une parodie crack du Silmarillion façon Kaamelott et Sacré Graal. Suite du livre I. Nouveau chapitre : L'absence.

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Discrete Elements by pandemonium_213

A catch-all for short ficlets, largely centering on yet another OFC in the Pandë!verse, namely Culinen (referenced in various fics, including The Elendilmir and The Writhen Pool), who eventually becomes the master of the Guild of the Heart (healers' guild) in Ost-in-Edhil, and who contributes to the "eldritch alleles" of J. Robert Oppenheimer, Hypatia of Alexandria, and Hedy Lamarr (among others!) in the alternative history of the Pandë!verse.

Ratings will be given per chapter.

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Too Strong a God by The Wavesinger

Fingon and Maedhros' relationship through the ages, from the point of view of two outsiders (who may or may not have played a part in its trajectory).

(For tolkiensecretartexchange on Tumblr's Silmarillion-themed Secret Santa)

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Into the Darkness They Go by Elwin Fortuna

Aranwë paints a significant scene in the history of the Noldor.

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The Bride's Jewel by Scribe of Mirrormere

The tale of enduring love, which began by the shores of Cuiviénen, that will set forth the events that impact all of Middle-earth for ages to come.

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