Fanworks Tagged with Fingolfin

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Fill The Night With Stories by Klose

A place to house my short ficlets as I write them, or the ones that I can't bring myself to post here as individual stories anyway. Most of these will just a couple of hundred words long. 

#1 - "The Way That We Love" - Fingolfin/Anaire, very loosely based on theme of "Five Things Anairë Hates About Fingolfin". Written Dec'07.

#2 - "Inheritance" - a sort of missing moment story featuring Círdan and a very young Ereinion Gil-galad. Gen. Written Mar'10.

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Half-brother in Blood, Full Brother in Heart by Alassante

The confrontation in Tirion between Fingolfin and Fëanor led to Fëanor being banned to Formenos.


Written for B2ME 2010: Ornisso challenged me from Formenos:

Create a story, poem, or artwork that responds to the following quote: "The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad." -- Salvador Dali.

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Back to Middle-earth Month 2010 Stories by Dawn Felagund

Fixed-length ficlets written in response to the Back to Middle-earth Month 2010 challenges. Please see the Table of Contents for summaries and warnings for each.

Updated with:
The Pendant in the Stream, in which Nerdanel considers her life had she never married Fëanor.
Delvers, in which Maedhros recalls a superstition of the captives in Angband (warning for dark themes).

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Tears on the Battlefield by Alassante

Some of the House of Finwë prepares for The Final Battle.



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Heavy The Crown by downtide

Maedhros, recently returned from his ordeal on Thangorodrim, abdicates the crown, but it's not only a new king he makes on this day.

Slightly slashy.

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Stupid Stories for Irreverent Elves by darthfingon

A collection of stupid stories, most of which make little sense, bunged up here together because they're too small to be out on their own.  Set in my dubious fiction-verse.  Sexual content implied in some.

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Praying for Lightning by Himring

A bit of pillow-talk between Maedhros and Fingon, framing memories of Araman, the Helcaraxe and Mithrim.

Fingon has to struggle to re-define himself twice, once when he learns what was really going on at Alqualonde, the second time when he realizes that their deepening love means that Maedhros and he have become mutually irreplaceable to each other and what that might entail. Each time, Maedhros turns out to be part of the solution as well as part of the problem.

P.S. In the last update I changed the title, summary and notes. No changes to story.

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Cabbages and the Embarrassment of Being Maedhros by Himring

Cabbages, because they are almost entirely unlike Silmarils...
Maedhros has been rescued from Angband by Fingon and has handed over the crown to Fingolfin. He recovers from his ordeals (more or less), sorts out things with his relatives (not quite), and departs with his brothers for points east. Later, after the Dagor Bragollach, he reviews the situation, considers giving up the struggle (not really), and is badly shaken by a presentiment of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
Romance (Maedhros/Fingon) and in part a prequel to "Looking at the Stars", but also about Maedhros's relationship with Maglor, the "shadow of pain", etc.
Minor warnings: Non-graphic references to torture and swearing. Non-graphic descriptions of insanity and vomiting. Brief references to prayer.

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Mahtan's Apprentice by WendWriter

Nerdanel is in love with a Noldor prince with a reputation for being sullen at best, difficult at worst. Whatever does she see in him? And how will Mahtan get along with him?

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Of Beren and Lúthien: The Complete Tale of “The Lay of Leithian” by LuthienHuan

A how-it-might-have-been tale based on the Chapter "Of Beren and Lúthien" in The Silmarillion and other writings which fans will recognize.

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The Fellowship of the Elves by Cirdan

n order to defeat the Dark Lord, the Elves form Fellowships of the Ring.

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Paradise Lost by Cirdan

The Feanorian version of the Silmarillion.

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Fly Away by Michiru

When the death of his father goes unpunished, Fëanáro takes matters into his own hands and establishes his own dynasty. His half-brothers' children, determined to oppose him, are drawn into a dangerous realm of intrigue as they work to bring his rule to an end. AU

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The Piggolantë by whitewave

Another unusual take on my favorite Noldor elves. 

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Ceremonies of Innocence by Ithilwen

Sequel to "Nightfall".  After the death of Finwë, Fëanor and his sons return to Tirion, and Maedhros makes a fateful decision.

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Voices in the Wilderness by Ithilwen

How does Fëanor's banishment from Tirion affect the Noldor?

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Flawless by Feta

AU.  Thorondor never came to the Thangorodrim, and Fingon, in Mithrim, is stranded in the aftermath.

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Necessary Sacrifices by Ithilwen

After his rescue, Maedhros has a decision to make. Which will he sacrifice in the end: his pride, or his vengeance?

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If Wishes Were Horses by Ithilwen

Maedhros and Fingon meet for the first time.

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Golden Days by Lyra

Nerdanel recounts the development of her relationship with Fëanor - from their first proper meeting to married life. A fantasy of manners, pride, prejudice, love and craftsmanship.

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By Stars' Light by Erfan Starled

Finrod expects to hunt Morgoth and finds himself on a very different journey. He has company along the way.

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Mereth Aderthad by oshun

Newest Chapter: 8 - "Promises and Negotiations." This is the story of the events of the Feast of Reuniting. A continuation of my interpretation of the tales of the Noldor in the First Age, focusing principally, but not solely upon Fingon and Maedhros. (See Maitimo and Findekáno and A New Day, which precede this one in the story cycle.) I'd like to thank the writers of the Lizard Council, including IgnobleBard, Elfscribe, Erulisse, Russandol, Hallbera, Lilithlessfair, Surgical Steel, and particularly Pandemonium. Also, want to thank Spiced Wine for her ongoing support of this story.

MEFA 2009,  First Place - Elves: Incomplete

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The Dark Foe Wears Feanaro by whitewave

Timeline of major events in the trend-setting House of Fëanaro, the undisputed leader in the Eldarin fashion industry.

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Flawed by Feta

AU. In earlier drafts, Tolkien had Morgoth send Maedhros back, but maimed. This is my take on that. Fingon is just as much in love as ever.

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Just One Victory by Feta

AU. Morgoth never hangs Maedhros from Thangorodrim, which means Fingon is unable to rescue him. Centuries later, the Union of Fingolfin results in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, and a prisoner takes his chance for escape.

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