Five Times Nerdanel Said 'Yes' by oshun
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: This was written for the SWG 5th Birthday celebration based on the Theme: Five Things, updated to include numerous B2MeM 2012 prompts. Chapter 8 added (30 March 2018). Major Characters: Amras, Amrod, Anairë, Caranthir, Celegorm, Curufin, Eärwen, Fëanor, Finarfin, Fingolfin, Finwë, Indis, Maedhros, Maglor, Nerdanel Major Relationships: Challenges: B2MeM 2012, Fifth Birthday Celebration Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Expletive Language, Sexual Content (Mild) This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 8 | Word Count: 21, 805 |
Posted on 26 August 2010 | Updated on 30 March 2018 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Thank you to IgnobleBard for Beta reading this story, as well as to the esteemed writers of the Lizard Council for reviewing the first four chapters of this story, especially Elfscribe, Erulisse, Kymahalei, Hallbera, and Rhapsody.
First, I want to thank Ignoble Bard for reading the first and roughest (his-eyes-only) copy. Thank you, Pandemonium, for doing a thorough copycheck and giving me such encouraging squees and, Elfscribe, for pointing out your favorite lines, catching nits and re-writing a particularly garbled sentence and making it work. Thank you also, Russandol, for catching still more of those illusive pesky nits and giving me support as well. You guys are wonderful.
And all I ask is a windy day
with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume,
and the seagulls crying. –Sea Fever by John Masefield
Raise me a dais of silk and down,
Hang it with vair and purple dyes.
Carve it in doves and pomegranates
And peacocks with a hundred eyes. — Christina Rossetti
The sweeping up the heart
And putting love away
We shall not want to use again
Until eternity. --Emily Dickinson
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