In Darkness Bound by Fiondil
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: In the aftermath of the Darkening, three kings search for meaning in the midst of tragedy. One seeks absolution; another, vengeance, while the third merely endeavors to salvage what he can from the disaster and protect his people from future harm. All may find what they are looking for, though not necessarily in the way they expect, for, as always, the Valar have their own agenda. Many thanks go to my betas, Alassiel and Ellie. Major Characters: Amarië, Anairë, Elenwë, Eärwen, Fëanor, Finarfin, Findis, Fingolfin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Finwë, Galadriel, Gandalf, Ilmarë, Indis, Ingwë, Maedhros, Maglor, Maiar, Melkor, Nerdanel, Olwë, Original Character(s), Turgon, Ungoliant, Valar Major Relationships: Genre: Drama Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: |
Chapters: 131 | Word Count: 466, 786 |
Posted on 6 September 2010 | Updated on 25 November 2011 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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