In Darkness Bound by Fiondil

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


In the aftermath of the Darkening, three kings search for meaning in the midst of tragedy. One seeks absolution; another, vengeance, while the third merely endeavors to salvage what he can from the disaster and protect his people from future harm. All may find what they are looking for, though not necessarily in the way they expect, for, as always, the Valar have their own agenda. Many thanks go to my betas, Alassiel and Ellie.

Major Characters: Amarië, Anairë, Elenwë, Eärwen, Fëanor, Finarfin, Findis, Fingolfin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Finwë, Galadriel, Gandalf, Ilmarë, Indis, Ingwë, Maedhros, Maglor, Maiar, Melkor, Nerdanel, Olwë, Original Character(s), Turgon, Ungoliant, Valar

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama


Rating: Teens


Chapters: 131 Word Count: 466, 786
Posted on 6 September 2010 Updated on 25 November 2011

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Comments on In Darkness Bound

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This was an interesting beginning; I look forward to reading what you do here. the potential for political and moral (or however Elves think of it) exploration is great in a story such as this. 

Thus far, I thought your representation of Melkor and the other Valar was effective and realistic. Melkor's hatred of the Children, for one, was well put. The writing and style seemed in keeping with Tolkien's own work, though there was a distinct personal element that I found to be refreshing.

Overall, an intriguing start!

Thank you, Adonnen. I'm glad you are looking forward to this story. The primary focus will be that of the Vanyar and their reaction to what is going on though we will see how the Noldor and Teleri respond to events as well. I'm glad you find my writing style refreshing. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it very much.

Hello, Eruraninon. I always thought this was a tale that should be told. Others might have different ideas of what may have happened during this time, but this is the way the Muse presented the story to me. I've written Melkor elsewhere, especially in my tale "Wars of the Valar". Thanks for taking the time to read and let me know how much you like the story. I appreciate it very much.