The Words You Left Me by eris_of_imladris

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Ten words that influenced Fëanor and Fingolfin’s relationship and drove them down their paths to doom. Inspired by the concept and lyrics of Milim from Eurovision 2010 as part of SWG’s “Competition” prompt.

Major Characters: Fëanor, Fingolfin, Finwë

Major Relationships:


Challenges: Competition

Rating: General

Warnings: Character Death

Chapters: 10 Word Count: 4, 879
Posted on 20 May 2018 Updated on 20 May 2018

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Words You Left Me

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Thank you so much! I definitely thought of their conflict as soon as I saw this prompt and the song really solidified it for me. I'm glad you liked the POV stuff - not my original plan, but the Feanor muse refused to be left out of a story that was originally suppose to be just Fingolfin, so that's that xD

This is masterful. Looking at the story from the angles of Feanor and Fingolfin, showing how both of them are the hero (and the victim) in their own story, and how different it looks from the other side, is a brilliant idea! You've managed to show how Feanor, in his fear to loose his father's love, creates the very rival he fears - and also how Fingolfin, for all that he tries to be a good brother and dutiful son, ultimately outshines both Feanor and Finwe. The keywords you chose as chapter headings are spot-on, and I really liked Fingolfin's reasoning behind becoming Fin-golfin. Just awesome!

Lyra, I can't thank you enough for your incredibly kind words! It means a lot to me to know that you got so much out of the story. I had so much fun with this and am definitely interested in delving more into the idaes you brought up. This was a hard piece for me to write because my muse has always been very Feanor-centric, but there's definitely a lot of pain (plus a lot of strength) on both sides, which is super fun to explore. If you ever want me to look into any other ideas, please let me know! :)

WOW oh my gosh - such powerful words and evocative descriptions! I think you really capture how two people can both feel they're the second-favorite - Feanor wants the love Finwe shows in his actions towards Fingolin but can't see the love in his father's words for him, and vice versa. Absolutely spot-on characterizations - I love the growth we see in each of them across the story, Just marvellous.