Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
A summary of the events in J.R.R. Tolkien's text The Disaster of the Gladden Fields, written for the Third Age Sessions at Alliance of Arda.
As Isildur and Elendil leave Númenor to the Falas, black clouds circle the island. A strange fortune teller makes her appearance in Tar-Míriel's garden, claiming she talks to the rain. A power Sauron does not possess.
From the ruin of the Gladden Fields, where Isildur perished, three men only came ever back over the mountains after long wandering. One of these was Ohtar, the esquire of Isildur, who bore the shards of the sword of Elendil; and he brought them to Valandil, the heir of Isildur, who being but a child had remained in Rivendell. The Fellowship of the Ring, Ch 2, The Council of Elrond.
Ohtar is faithful.
Ar-Pharazôn, the mighty King of Númenor, thinks he has triumphed when his powerful enemy, Sauron, surrenders, and the King carries him back to his glorious island kingdom. However, Sauron’s greatest power lies not in his armies, but in his capacity for guile and seduction. A drama with many players.
Rating: M overall, although, no doubt, future chapters will have explicit content.
Having escaped the Downfall of Numenor, Inzilmith experiences the beginning of the War of the Last Alliance in Arnor.
Isildur contemplates what to to tell his wife as he writes home from the siege of Barad-dûr.
A collection of stories featuring characters from across my "his vision darkened", "archaic and content", and "old path to a new hell" series, all leading to "Defiance" that will depict the war itself, and which will be followed by a final fic as a coda. Think of this series as the Infinity War/Endgame of Fern's Middle-earth Cinematic Universe.
This is my collection of Silmarillion drabbles. Either drabbled as a present or written for a challenge. Ratings vary from General to Adult.
A young woman heads home in the final days of Numenor.
The War of the Ring has ended and nothing has turned out exactly as anyone expected. Sauron, who is in this version female and known originally as Mairen and now as Thû, has survived, remained corporeal and been captured. As such, she will be sent to Valinor to stand trial.
Posted in a very different form. Heavily revised. Completed and being posted gradually as final revisions are made.
A collection of works written for B2MeM 2020.
A series of outtakes from an AU about Sauron’s sojourn in Númenor in which Sauron is a lady (of sorts).
Anárion discusses the specifics of Maedhros' and Húrin's captivity with his brother, and comes to a chilling conclusion.
Rated Adult for some discussion of torture.
A collection of ficlets written for the 2019 Solstice instradrabbling challenge on Discord.
The tenuous relationship between the King and the Elendili is coming to its breaking point. When Isildur steals the fruit of Nimloth, what follows brings the already-heavy boot of tyranny down harder upon the Faithful - especially the gifted healer, Nilûphel.
Concerning The Shadow, and the battle between Sauron and Elendil and Gil-galad.
Isildur discovers the stairs to Cirith Ungol.
In Númenor before the Downfall, Isildur watches over his treasure. (Written in 2011.)
Sauron assassinates Ar-Pharazôn before the Great Armament can be sent against Valinor, and takes power as Steward, turning the military might of Numenor and Mordor against the Eldar and Faithful; the history of Arda is altered forever.
A sequence of eight drabbles spanning the history of Numenor, with a particular focus on the period of Aldarion.
Now added: an extra drabble on Amandil for the Akallabeth in August challenge
for lignata - Isildur, not about the One Ring
On the ships fleeing Numenor
Isildur's deeds continue to inspire his descendants.
The armies of the Last Alliance gather in Rivendell to prepare for their assault on Mordor. Elrond worries, Oropher weasels, and nothing goes according to plan.
Chapter 1: Gil-galad and Elrond enlist the help of Erestor to out-weasel Oropher, who, despite having only arrived in Rivendell a few hours earlier, has already overstayed his welcome.
I wanted this to be sharper and to explain Isildur's feelings towards the elves with greater clarity. So I refined this a bit more. This is what I came up with.
What thoughts are passing through Isildur’s mind after his defeat of Sauron? A bit of gallows humor in response to the prompt “lend”.
The Alkallabeth was written as a history, but histories rarely reveal the whole truth. What was the truth behind the life of Tar Miriel, last queen of Numenor?