Fanworks Tagged with Maedhros

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Just This Once by Elisif

Observing his son’s devotion to his newly rescued cousin brings back memories for Nolofinwë

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The Blue Boar Inn by oshun

Crossover! (English history and The Silmarillion) Written for an LJ comment fic challenge for this request from Just_Jenni: "Place the sons of Feanor into a Richard the Third setting in actual history. Any time, any place, but the sons MUST be in character and they MUST have some sort of interaction with Richard."

Richard III and Francis Lovell spend an evening in Leicester at the Blue Boar Inn shortly before the Battle of Bosworth with Silmarillion heroes Maedhros and Maglor. (Intended to work for anyone who knows either of the canons.)

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A Night In the Forest by Agelast

Fingolfin and Maedhros have an unexpected encounter in the woods during the Mereth Aderthad.

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Gymnastics by Amaranth

Little Ambarussa get in trouble playing funny gymnastics with their friends...

Set in Valinor during the Years of the Trees, thus names in Quenya.

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The Stars over Aglon by Himring

Fingon on his way to Himring--and in Himring--and on his way back.


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Do You Believe in Ghosts? by oshun, Dawn Felagund

Fëanor allows Amrod and Amras to sleep outside on a spooky autumn evening and the question of ghosts comes up.

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Bombarded by Luxa

"Why are you so sad?" Maedhros was shaken out of his reverie by a timid voice coming from around his knees. He looked down and found his legs bombarded by two wide-eyed, dark-haired boys with unbearably cute twin expressions of wonder. Maedhros looked back up. 

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Leaving For Good by Luxa

Turgon, leaving for Gondolin soon, decides to make a trip to Himring to say a lukewarm goodbye to his eldest cousin, but ends up feeling more emotion than he bargained for.

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Show Us by Luxa

"Don't you have any curiosity?" asked Maitimo, throwing his packed saddlebag at him. "I'd have thought you, of all people, would want to come and meet the Secondborn." "Whatever for?" asked Macalaurë, pleasantly exasperated. "To write a song about it, of course."

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The Artistic Temperament by Tehta

Maedhros and Maglor discuss the Noldolantë.

This ficlet à clef is dedicated to everyone who has ever given me beta--no, wait, to everyone who has ever had cause to identify with this version of Maedhros.

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Summer's End by oshun

New Chapter: The Wild Hunt (Chapter 9)

For the Noldor, the personal is always political. This story has humor, conflict, scandal, and a crazy mixture of discord and affection, which characterize the Finweans as I write them. This story is set shortly before the founding of Nevrast, before the Mereth Aderthad.


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Maglor Plays For His People After Doriath by Himring

The Feanorians have retreated to Amon Ereb after the Fall of Doriath. The first night after their arrival, they assemble in the hall, waiting for Maglor to play for them.

Includes a flashback to Maglor's encounter with Daeron at the Mereth Aderthad.

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Maitimo by Luxa

By the time she saw one of her sons again, the world was nearly at an end. She did not expect him to return so scarred.

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Drabbles for Tolkien Weekly by Ysilme

Small drabble sets about three pairs of brothers, inspired by the prompts of tolkien weekly, the Silmarillion and the Unfinished Tales.

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Approaching Rivendell by Ysilme

100 drabbles with Elrond Half-Elven through the ages, focussing on the creation of and the living in Rivendell.

(Drabble 14 is part of the Silmfic Prompt Generator Writing Contest for SWG's 10th Birthday)

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Choice by mistrali

Maedhros has choices aplenty. 50 words, M/F.

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Numb by Luxa

Findekáno's fingers, rough and calloused (but never as rough as his skin, never as worn and tan as five years of hanging on a mountain make you), trace his bare arm. He knows this because he can see him doing it. He cannot feel it. Maedhros/Fingon

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Lacrimosa by Luxa

"You hate picking flowers," I said suddenly, remembering something from long ago. " least you did." She smiled again, and it was brilliant. "I still do." Maedhros/Idril Friendship Fic

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To Be A Son of Feanor by Luxa

Findekáno glances at his cousin, his best friend, the one he's risked life and limb to find and save, only to bring him back to find he hasn't saved him at all. Maitimo's dull eyes are unfocused and don't react to the voices speaking in hushed tones around him. The Maitimo he knew is gone, replaced by a puppet with empty eyes.

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Motionless in Time by The Wavesinger

#5: Aredhel, trapped in Gondolin.

A collection of fixed-length fic(let)s, each based on a line (or lines) of a poem/play.

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Never Let Me Go by Elisif

Maedhros’ rescue from Fingon’s perspective, and a slashy but non-explicit encounter between the two of them about a year later. 

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A Brother's Gift by Elisif

An explorative response to the question "why didn't Curufin ever make Maedhros a mechanical hand"?

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Even in Valinor by Elisif

Maedhros reflects on the process of teaching himself to fight with his left hand and his motivations for it. 

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