Fanworks Tagged with Original Character(s)

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Part 04: Ye Shall Render Blood by Eilinel's Ghost

In that moment he envied for the first time the mortality of Men. He coveted a death that came upon you softly, death that whispered and held out a hand and let you slip into his arms in sleep. Death that passed his fingers over your eyes and left a visage in peace. Balan’s death.

It's the Fen of Serech, more or less. An oath for an oath, blood for blood.


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Part 03: Unfriends by Eilinel's Ghost

Finrod felt the other’s panic strike his perception like a blow and was running even before Balan’s cry reached his ear. In a glance, his eyes took in the scene before him: the camp in sudden stillness, one of the Laiquendi staggering through the clearing, a limp body slung in his arms, Balan and Baran sprinting toward him.

It was Belen in his arms.

The Edain and the Laiquendi cross paths in the woods of Ossiriand and are faced with immediate conflict. Finrod and Estreth work to heal the damage, Balan (Bëor) tries to learn the communication of thought, and the Edain choose where their loyalty will abide.


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Smudged by cuarthol

“My lord!  Excellent news!”

Gil-galad looked up, expectation mixed with mild humor on his face at the eager young scribe who had come to stand before him.

The scribe held up an old, water-damaged tome and declared with absolute assurance, “We finally know who your father is!”


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We'll dance among the stars by daughterofshadows

We spend some time with our friends from Gondolin, learn about Nellas and Galdor's relationship in this universe and do a lot of worldbuilding.


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Runes by StarSpray

“I think,” Lúthien said, “that the Naugrim would like to see your writings.”
This made Daeron pause, and blink. “My Cirth?” he asked. “Why?”

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Mousetrap by cuarthol

A little thief is caught red-handed in an unexpected encounter.


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A Whisper of the Old World by Narya

A brief moment in the woods between two old people who are more than they seem...

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Description of a Frieze in the Temple of Melkor at Armenelos by Sarbanes Oxley

A translation of a description of a frieze in the antechamber of the Temple of Melkor at Armenelos by Lindir of Rivendell.

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Motley Crew by Himring

Maglor survives the tsunami that hit the coast of Middle-earth during the Fall of Numenor, in the company of a somewhat unexpected group of fellow survivors.

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Tinker, Tailor, Bromance, Spar by Gwanath Dagnir

A wine-fueled faux pas has left a rift between Gil-galad and Elrond, maybe. If a week out of town and a new wardrobe can't set things right, there's always the sparring ring. 

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Matters of Choice by kimikocha

There are many who wander in the lands of Middle-Earth. Some of them are lost, sojourners searching without knowing what they seek; some of them are only a little lost, knowing what they search for but not knowing how to find it. A few of them are very fortunate, not being lost at all. Many more are those who search in vain: not understanding the nature of the mirage on the horizon, they lose themselves in its pursuit.

One of many wanderers encounters Death upon a precipice.

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In the Elm-Woods of Ossiriand by StarSpray

Maglor and Maedhros lead the remnants of their people into Ossiriand to escape the worst of the War of Wrath.

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And Now For Something Completely Different... by Grundy

The world changed when Sauron fell. Orcs have to adapt to survive, and the elves may have to try new things too.

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Shadows Laid Before the Sun by Idrils Scribe

When Caranthir picks one fight too many with their Arafinwëan cousins, Maedhros drags him east before he single-handedly shatters the Leaguer of Angband.
On their way to Himring the feuding brothers must cross Nan Dungortheb. Not even the mighty Sons of Fëanor will emerge unscathed from the Valley of Dreadful Death.

STORY COMPLETE. Chapter 8: “We cannot kill it, can we?” Carnistir asked, and looked aside to see the scarred lines of Maitimo’s face harden.

A Halloween gift for Dawn Felagund. Many thanks to Anoriath and Grundy for the beta, and to Lyra for her Quenya translation skills!

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No Dreams In Darkness by cuarthol

An Orc of Morgoth - just one of the many masses that were bred for war and slaughter.  But what happens when an idea of self beyond that of slave begins to form?

7-prompt path for the Matryoshka challenge.

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For Morning Came by StarSpray

The Gates of Minas Tirith are broken, but the wind is changing.

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In Song Unsung by sabcatt

Fragmentary sections of two poems, dealing with the friendship of Fingon and Maedhros, and a brief scholarly introduction thereto. (AKA: a media fic of the most pretentious flavor.)

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Aching Wings by Narya

Of Yavanna, Melian, birdsong, and birds.

Written for TRSB22, for Grundy's wonderful moodboard.

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Gil-galad, son of... by chrissystriped

Kashnai died when she tried to bring her son to safety. Now she is reborn and her greatest wish is to see him again.
Ereinion has wished for all his life to be able to meet his mother, but given that she was an orc, he hadn't thought it would ever be possible.

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What Your Life Is by StarSpray

"Surely not." At the sound of his voice the great shaggy shape stirred, and turned its head. Behind him Asar called out, asking a question, but Maglor barely heard him. He fell to his knees in the wet sand, staring into eyes that gleamed with ancient Treelight and even older starlight. Then his face was being licked clean of tears by a giant tongue, and he was both laughing and crying as he flung his arms around the dog's shoulders, burying his face in wet fur, hardly caring that it was still crusted with sand that scraped against his cheeks. "Huan, what are you doing here?"

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Left On the Hither Side of Death by kimikocha

In the wake of Elessar's passing, Arwen encounters a child in the fading woods of Lórien who is much older than she seems.

[Written for TRSB 2022, Art #9: Seeking a Favor]

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It Should Be Made Again by StarSpray

“Narsil!” Malbeth coughed again. “It will be reforged—when Isildur’s Bane is found."

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“I can see in the acorn the oak tree. I see the growth, the rebuilding, the restoring.” - Maya Angelou by MirienSilowende

The Entwives are forced to flee when Sauron wipes out their homes but at the end of a long journey, they find a place that suits them very well.

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Blood and Light by SonOfMandos

Mother, let me live to see the day go by
Save me from myself, for I will sacrifice
Anything and Everything, to feel Him one more time

--Sacrifice, Aleah.

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Willow by Anérea, Narya

A willow-spirit: some places she went and the people she met.
Story by Narya, painting by Anérea.

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