Fanworks Tagged with Family

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Family, long deserved by chrissystriped

Maeglin fears the worst, when he runs into Rog, but the meeting goes better than he could ever have hoped. Rog encourages him to go to one of the parties of the Angband-Elves Ecthelion hosts.

Laiglas sees a stranger looking indesicively at Ecthelion's house and goes to help him make up his mind.

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Winter Light by Idrils Scribe

It's the day before midwinter, and Elrohir and Glorfindel are training for the great Turuhalmë tournament. Five year old Arwen is a little hellion, but she gets her present all the same ...

Pure fluff-coated fluff with a rich fluffy filling and only the barest sprinkle of foreshadowing.

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A Dress to Draw Attention by chrissystriped

Aredhel and Maeglin have been reborn and their family throws them a party.

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Hope, in Darkened Days by Idrils Scribe

"But when Estel was only twenty years of age, it chanced that he returned to Rivendell after great deeds in the company of the sons of Elrond; and Elrond looked at him and was pleased, for he saw that he was fair and noble and was early come to manhood, though he would yet become greater in body and in mind. That day therefore Elrond called him by his true name, and told him who he was and whose son; and he delivered to him the heirlooms of his house."

The story of how Estel became Aragorn.

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Luminous by StarSpray

Nerdanel crafts her first sculpture of strange but beautiful shape.

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Half and whole by firstamazon

Fingon tries to convince his (half) uncle.

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All Living Things by Keiliss

"I’m only lightly armed and it’s just the two of us.” He had barely thought to bring a sword, the valley felt safe even under siege.

Erestor turned to stare at him from the shadow of an ancient oak, his eyes a-glitter in the low light. “You’ve fought wargs and orcs and all sorts of humans,” he pointed out. “And a balrog. You’re an army all wrapped up in one package. Come on.”

Set in Imladris under siege early in the Third Age. More correctly called Eklach's Story, or An Orc's Tale, because that is what it is.

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Water and Blood by Keiliss

Over a cup of wine, Finarfin and Ingwion discuss family, the weather, and their status as figurehead war leaders, then start a little rebellion of their own.

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A New Battle by LadyBrooke

Gil-galad found that battles in Valinor were not that different from battles anywhere else, even if they used words instead of swords. It was still a fight against despair and loss, with reminders of the cost of failure lurking behind every corner.

Elrond was no longer by his side to help, but Finarfin and Ingwë were. If there had to be a battle of words to get the rest of their family from the Halls - well, Gil-galad would not shy from planning that battle.

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Finwean Ladies Week 2021 by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Loosely connected Finwean Ladies Week snippets written for the prompts. 

Chapter One: Indis & Miriel (mostly Indis conflicting with Feanaro, mention of Findis, small Lalwen and Nolofinwe)

Chapter Two: Findis & Lalwen (Findis protesting Lalwen's desire to follow their brothers into Exile.)

Chapter Three: Artanis & Irisse (Galadriel and Aredhel on the Helcaraxe. Fingon being a teasing brother, mention of Finrod)

Chapter Four: 

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six:

Chapter Seven:

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Quietus by UnnamedElement

Chroniclers will claim--above all else--that Maeglin left Nan Elmoth for desire of lordship alone. While we all know how the story ends, before that there was more: a mother and her son and a dark dark wood; three lives and three deaths, and the dazzling sunlight in between. This story is a portrait of the why behind the flight: family violence and a woman under siege, a child grown to adulthood in lonely darkness, learning to fight with only the tools provided him. It is a tale of childhood nightmares maturing into something more--manipulated by heart-darkened fathers and gently used by desperate mothers--until living becomes surviving and reality is a dream...

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Threads of Time by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Young Elwing seeks her Aunt Galadriel's reassurance after a disappointing judgement on her threadwork at the Arvernien Summer Faire.

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Golden Hour by StarSpray

At their head was Elros’ flagship. His banners were the brightest of all, depicting the white niphredil of Lúthien and the white wings of Tuor’s house and the Star of Eärendil—the largest flag, waving from the highest mast and catching the rays of the sun and gleaming nearly as bright as their father’s star itself, which was just visible against the bright sun in the western sky.

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The wandering of Maglor and Elrond by Aprilertuile

The Lost Road and other writings tell us : "Yet not all the Eldalië were willing to forsake the Hither Lands where they had long suffered and long dwelt; and some lingered many an age in the West and North, and especially in the western isles and in the Land of Leithien. And among these were Maglor, as hath been told; and with him for a while was Elrond Halfelven, who chose, as was granted to him, to be among the Elf-kindred; but Elros his brother chose to abide with Men."

Let's imagine that at some point during the War of Wrath, for safety's sake, Maedhros and Maglor send Elrond and Elros to Gil Galad... That there, Elros would learn to work with men, and would make his place among them...
How then would Elrond find himself back with Maglor for a time? And how long is a time anyway?
This is my answer.

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On The Shores Of Cuivienen by Kaylee Arafinwiel

As Minwe's wife labors to bring their fourth child into the world, he finds himself seeking out his middle children. The firstborn son of Enel can't help but worry for them.

Solwe, who will one day be called Olwe Lindaran, and his twin Solwen, or Olwen, have always loved the water, dangerous though it may be...

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Blood Amongst The Lilies by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Miriel of Numenor, King's Heir, has a premonition while taking a painting lesson from her paternal grandmother. It ends up making her painting one of foreboding.

It isn't wise to paint while foreseeing prophetic visions, that's for sure...


(For Zimraphel/galadhremmin on the SWG Discord, written to the "Marathon Swimming" challenge - two things that are unwise to do at the same time)

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Sweet Violets and Golden Cowslip by StarSpray

Lalwen has dug too many graves. After the attack on the Havens of Sirion, she digs another.

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At the Eleventh Hour by AdmirableMonster

After a fall, Elros goes into labor too early.  An unexpected visitor provides succour.

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Olympics 2021 Instadrabbling by Lindariel

Instadrabbles from the SWG Discord server sessions on 31 July-1 August 2021, with Olympics-flavored prompts.

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And the nightingales sing by daughterofshadows

After her mother has left, Arwen struggles to sleep.

She seeks comfort with the nightingales singing in the gardens and meets someone unexpected in her dreams.

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Desmemoria by UnnamedElement

How does one explain to one’s children the horror of what one has seen and done? Thranduil wrestles with how to tell Legolas about the history of their folk and, with his wife’s encouragement, he revisits the testimony of the Sindarin refugees collected by Oropher, in preparation. Locked away in secret archives or not, the past is never really past, and even children can outsmart memory.

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A harpist's injury by Aprilertuile

Child Makalaurë is just learning to play the harp, and as all students do at times, he overdid it...


Inspired by a real-time event, harp strings are pure evil.

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