Fanworks Tagged with Family

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Sawdust by StarSpray

Findis watches, entranced, as he takes up his tools and begins a new carving, taking a shapeless lump of wood and turning it into a leaping hound before her eyes.

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The Rain against My Window by Himring

Rain reminds Gil-galad of his childhood in Hithlum.

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SWG Vintage Challenge by Lferion

25 chapters assembled into five stories. Each chapter fills four prompts, one from each of the four cards in the SWG May 2022 Vintage Bingo Challenge, for a total of 100 prompts filled.

The five stories are not all in the same continuity/universe -- for one thing, Ilverien and Red Crow cannot coexist, though there are elements they have in common -- but all of them can be read as part of an overall set of ideas.

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Red Crow by Lferion

Glimpses of life in Aman, after the events of arriviste's void junk and Idrils_Scribe's Wings of White and Silver-grey.

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Meanwhile by Lferion

Life among the Noldor, in the Fourth Age, Elrond musing on custom, courting, popular songs and other such matters.


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Ilverien by Lferion

Maedhros, Ilverien, and infant Erien are due to return, after having been away for two months. Fingon prepares for his spouses' arrival.

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Full of Gorgeous Life by StarSpray

Three of Nerdanel's sons come home: a trio of double-drabbles.

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A Glimpse of the Harbor by Rocky41_7

Elwing watched for the return of Earendil's ship.

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Improbable Beautiful & Afraid of Nothing by StarSpray

The body wanted to look forward, however accustomed the spirit was to looking back.

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The Love of Their Mothers by Rocky41_7

Anaire and Earwen discuss the upcoming births of their children on a mild summer afternoon.

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The Pet from Next Door by Rocky41_7

Nerdanel and Earwen disagree about free-roaming pets.

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Coming home by daughterofshadows

Gondolin is finally ready to welcome its people.

Among the buzz of moving in, a long awaited reunion takes place.

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Whims of Time and Fate by QuillAndInkWrites

Towards the middle of the Second Age, a young Dwarf of the Longbeard royal line seeks out answers to the mysterious visions and memories she has begun to see over her waking sight — the answer may be right in front of her, written plainly in the histories of Durin I and his reincarnation, Durin II, but does she have the strength to follow the thread and accept the truth?

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The way of things by firstamazon

Maitimo helps Fëanáro, and Fëanáro decides something important.

Written for the Monthly Challenge Opposites Attract with the prompt "organized-chaotic" 

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United We Stand by Rocky41_7

The Feanorians had not looked for their Exile kin, and had expected no reunion. When Nolofinwe arrives in Middle-earth, they must determine if he has come as friend or foe.

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Of Nerdanel by Rocky41_7

The House of Finwe grieves its losses, and Nerdanel struggles to find purchase in a stormy sea.

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I Didn't Realize You Were Coming by Rocky41_7

Maedhros never stopped thinking of little cousin Finrod as the Elfling who followed him around pulling at his robes and playing games. Finrod was happy to keep it that way, but Maedhros was bound to find out about the parties someday.

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First Ruins of the Noldor by Rocky41_7

The sundering of the Noldor was bound to leave scars.

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The Pastry Shop by oshun

In the Golden Age of Valinor, Maedhros tries to court an appropriate young woman. Meanwhile, Fingon smitten with his older cousin doesn’t intend to make it easy for him. In fact, he will do whatever he can to interfere.


Written for LaSamtyr for 2022 Slashy Valentine. Requested pairing: Elf/elf, Fingon/Maedhros
Story elements: slice of life "weirdness", a lost item is found or rediscovered, Silm-oriented (House of Finwë preferred but not required.) Any Age is fine.

Thank you, Ignoble Bard, for the Beta and encouragement.

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Queen's Counsel by StarSpray

It was not Melian’s wont to speak against her husband in public. When she did she tried to do so gently. She would not undermine his authority before his people—she was not one of Bauglir’s creatures to bend others by force to her will.

But in the privacy of their chambers it was a different matter.

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Winterwonderland by daughterofshadows

The first snow of the year has come! Time to go outside and have some fun!

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Holiday Party Instadrabbling by Lindariel

From the Instadrabbling session on the SWG Discord server, 2 January 2022.

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Entwined by Anérea

First Age 116: in the foothills of the Orocani Mountains—west of Hildórien and far, far east of Beleriand.
Woman meets man in four 100-word drabbles.

(The first in my Hildórien to Beleriand series exploring the ancestors of Adanel and her brother Magor, from whom came many of the Edain heroes of the first age, as well as the Peredhil.)

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