Fanworks Tagged with Family

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Strands by Flora-lass

Elrond asks Maglor to do his hair.


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With Nothing to Show by StarSpray

Of all the pieces of Beleriand to survive, Maglor would not have expected one to be Himring. He spent many years on the coast of Middle-earth nearest to it, often gazing out at the dark shape of his brother’s ancient towers on the horizon. Finally, curiosity and something else he didn’t want to examine very closely had him purchasing a small boat from an old fisherman who was too old to go out on the water anymore. With not a little apprehension, hoping to escape Ossë’s notice, Maglor pushed the boat out into the waves, and made his way with the tide out to Himling.

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The Gap to Himring by StarSpray

Maglor makes it within sight of Himring before his horse is cut out from under him.

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Not a Pipe by Lferion

In Ost-in-Edhil, Narin gets a look at her wife's new sculpture.

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Than All the Roses of the World by StarSpray

And even after he and Lúthien settled in Tol Galen, where the air smelled of roses and pine and the nightingales sang merrily through the summertime, word of the outside word came in bits and pieces, often many years late.

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L'appel du vivre by Angamaite

Celegorm, Curufin, a balcony of Finwë's royal residence, oblique discussions of death before death became more than an abstraction. And a little bit of parkour.

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Cocktail Party, Reprise by Lferion

The competition cocktail party was a regular event, and Fingon gradually learned to appreciate, if not always enjoy it.

A triple drabble, with images and recipes for 9 cocktails.

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Shards Of Memory by LadySternchen

Written for Understory-challenge, inspired by StarSpray's story 'Rising as if Weightless'.
While his court is still enjoying the feast he gave in honour of the Princes of Doriath That Was, Olwë stands alone before the mosaic depicting him and his brothers.

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Children of Aulë by cuarthol, Zdenka

A moment between those known by others as Petty Dwarves.  Their name for themselves is unknown.

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The Myth Hanging Heavy Over You by stormfallen

Elrond asks about his mother, in 100-word drabbles.

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Unforseen by cuarthol

For a "trick or treat" 3-setence story prompt on tumblr.  Thank you to shrikeseams for the request.

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Documents from Doriath in Rivendell's Library by UnicornsInSpace

Small pieces of the Silm told through documents from Doriath.

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A Star Shines by cuarthol

A new beginning cannot erase the past, but it can soften the blow.

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White Flowers by StarSpray

The first and last time Turgon sees Aredhel

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Empty Streets by StarSpray

Fingon comes to Nevrast and finds it empty.

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Little Stars by fingonsradharp

Elrond and Elros are kidnapped, again. But this time, the only people who are around to rescue them are their other kidnappers.

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Variations on Fear and Lack Thereof by fingonsradharp

Elrond and Elros are afraid of the Feanorions, until they aren't.

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I Go To Find The Sun by cuarthol

A letter arrives for Galadriel, but what is left unsaid sends the loudest message.

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Say Not Farewell by cuarthol

“I thought I was stronger than a word, but I just discovered that having to say goodbye to you is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.” – Colleen Hoover

For the prompt epistolary.

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Of Candles and Moths by cuarthol

"What has so shadowed thy spirit? What is this wound thou bearest which I can neither bind nor soothe?"

“The cruelest wound, from which I shall never heal."

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Sweet Vision of Mine by yletylyf

Lindon and Eregion clash over how to handle Númenórean deforestation. Ost-in-Edhil is buiding up to its own internal strife. But for Elrond and Celebrían, for this one moment in time, everything is perfect.

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Northern Stars by Idrils Scribe

Aboard Galdor's warship, Glorfindel returns in triumph from a dangerous expedition deep into enemy territory. He has found Elrond's missing son, but all is not well: the Elf-child that was abducted by the Corsairs of Umbar is now a Man grown. War and darkness have left Elrohir deeply scarred, and he is not the mission's only casualty.

An alternate universe for the Under Strange Stars series, in which Elrohir goes with Glorfindel instead of running away from him after the events of Under Strange Stars. This story covers the events of ‘Northern Skies’, but it can be enjoyed without having read the original.

Many thanks to Grundy for all of her excellent beta-reading and brainstorming.e

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Whither Lies the Heart by cuarthol

The story of Ernis, wife of Fingon, and Erien, their daughter.

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Rising as if Weightless by StarSpray

“Oh,” Elwing said faintly. She felt the need to sit down, but locked her knees against it. “Then—have they been released from Mandos, my lord? I had not heard that you came in person to deliver such news.”

“They have not, not yet,” said Námo, and to Elwing’s surprise his mouth softened into a small smile, there and gone again in the blink of an eye. “Your brothers are still very young; Mandos is not a place for children to grow. They are ready to return to the world, but unlike most others who pass through my halls they cannot make the journey across Valinor alone. Come to the gates of my halls with all swiftness, and you will find your brothers there.” He inclined his head, and was gone.

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Something there is that doesn't love a wall by kimikocha

“Nana,” Legolas asks one day through a mouthful of stewed berries, “How come your eyes are so shiny?”

It’s an innocent question, and predictable in hindsight — neither of which help his parents in knowing how to answer it.

[Written for TRSB 2023, Art #77 - Exploring the Past. Posted for SWG Roaring Twenties Challenge - N1, Bright Young Things.]

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