Fanworks Tagged with Het

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Fair as the First Snowdrop in Spring by StarSpray

The first time Elrond saw Celebrían he forgot how to breathe.

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To Call You Home by Rocky41_7

Indis yearns to stir the sleeping queen of the Noldor.

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Family Gossip by StarSpray

“You,” Fingon pronounced, “are drunk. I am not going to give you anyone’s name just so you can make up a silly drunken ballad."

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It comes in Threes by cílil

Three triple drabbles written for the It comes in Threes challenge, featuring various Ainur.

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Feanorian Week 2024 by StarSpray

Ficlets written for Feanorian Week

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Oathbound by StarSpray

Fëanáro came himself, fey, a blazing torch in the darkness. “No,” Nerdanel said. “I will not go with you.”

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Come Together, Broken Things, and Grow by UnicornsInSpace

Idril and Meleth (my OC) welcome Finduilas, Niënor, and other refugees into Havens after the Fall of Doriath, hoping they can start anew there. Finduilas's daughter is distraught about the situation. Also, how did Finduilas and Niënor make it to the Havens after the Fall of Doriath?

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Sunwarmed by StarSpray

The more he thought about it the more he realized he was not quite missing the Tirion of his childhood, but Nargothrond at its height. His own city, that he’d planned and helped to build with his own two hands, where his friends among the dwarves had visited so often, and where he had earned his favorite epessë. No one in Valinor called him Felagund.

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The Hunter and the Hare by cuarthol, polutropos

Tirion's masked ball offers decadent delights, mistaken identities, insatiable yearnings, and inescapable philanderings.

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Making Plans by StarSpray

A conversation between Tuor and Idril concerning their plans for escape from Gondolin.

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Across the Dance Floor by StarSpray

Anairë, newly come to Tirion, gets her first look at Prince Nolofinwë.

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Beacon by polutropos

Eärendil returns to Sirion after his latest sea voyage, and Elwing's anxieties about her pregnancy are soothed in the loving arms of her husband.

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Snakes and Ladders by polutropos

It is the night of Tirion's masked ball. Fëanáro is after Artanis' hair, Artanis is after a distraction, Macalaurë is deploying all his wiles, and Findaráto is just trying to have a nice time.

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The Law of Attractive Nuisance by Rocky41_7

Amarie would appreciate Finrod being less of a distraction. At least he's willing to help fix the problem he caused.

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An Unexpected Couple by StarSpray

The news that Mister Bungo Baggins and Miss Belladonna Took were to marry caused quite an uproar all the way from the East Farthing to the West.

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Skin and Other Stories by grey_gazania

Gil-galad confronts her growing feelings for Elrond. Part of my Woman King AU.

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In Fields of Gold by Arveldis

Setting aside her basket, Indis ran barefoot through the fields to greet him, and he swept her into his arms and spun her around. Her laughter fell upon the fields like rain, and Finwë felt it wash over his heart, welling up in the cracks that he had thought would ever remain after the loss of Míriel.

The song of their joy spills over the fields of the Valar.

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Echo of the Music by StarSpray

Yet this newest tapestry was different. Elu saw that immediately upon walking into the room. Melian’s hands moved swiftly across the the tapestry, woven in brilliant colors and shapes, picking out new details and marvelous things in clever embroidery, her silver needles flashing in the lamplight.

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This Shadow will not Endure by Rocky41_7

For the first time since Finrod’s rebirth in Aman, he and Amarie are intimate.

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Upon the Grass Untroubling by StarSpray

"It was often said (among other families) that long ago one of the Took ancestors must have taken a fairy wife. That was, of course, absurd, but..."

Faramund Took goes wandering through the South Downs, and comes back home with a rather unexpected bride.

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Before the Storm by polutropos

As Elwing navigates uncertainties about identity, rulership, and her impending motherhood, a chance meeting with a reclusive woman of the Haladin leads to a relationship that will give her strength facing the challenges to come. [WiP. Rating based on chapter 1 but will change to Adult.]

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Breaking Into Light by StarSpray

Glingaereth meets the crown prince of the Noldor by chance, if chance you call it.

“All the same, sister, be careful.”
“Me?” Glingaereth said. “Careful of what?”
“Of that prince.”
“What, Fingon? If you are worried about the Noldor’s feuds, he is the one who brought them to an end.”
Limbeleth shook her head. “I can’t explain it. It isn’t that you need worry about him, but—I have an uneasy feeling about them all, and I feel also that you will be bound up in their fate somehow.”

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For One Year, One Day, of the Flame by cuarthol

Andreth prepares for the approach of midwinter, while Aegnor seeks to right a choice from long ago, before it is too late.

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Wealth Enough of Joy by StarSpray

Elladan and Elrohir are born at twilight in summer.

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Out of the Ashes by StarSpray

In the wake of Melkor’s latest swath of destruction, Aulë found Yavanna kneeling, disconsolate, on the barren ground.

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