Fanworks Tagged with Het

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In the Bleak and Early Morn by Elleth

A story for B2MeM 2013, combining the prompts for archetypes, good and ill, and back to lands you once did know (days one, two and four respectively):

Maglor's wife, a Sinda of Mithrim, learns about the events of Alqualondë, and confronts her husband about his actions, differing beliefs, and the future.

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50 Prompts: AU Silmarillion by Urloth

50 Prompts resulting in 50 AU Silmarillion based or related drabbles or ficlets.

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Mazes and Cages by Iavalir

After the Dagor Dagorath, all beings who once lived in Arda must reawaken for the Second Music, but someone is missing and Nerdanel is determined to find him.

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Trinity by Urloth

Three are one. There are no love songs to encompass what they share save the songs they sing themselves.

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Words like Pearls, Love like Life. by Urloth

Galadriel keeps her brother's letters. His words are like pearls. Gildor is married. His love for his wives keeps him breathing. 

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Amras and the Elements by Iavalir

A series of fanfiction involving Amras and the elements.

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A Great Friendship in Every Need by Urloth

They were all children once, and played as children do. Cousins played games with cousins without the undercurrents of discontent between their fathers ruining the golden days spent in their grandfather's garden. There were secrets, though, even then but they did not care about them.


Of course those days are as dead as that much beloved grandfather and Finrod barely thinks of the time he was little Finda in a child's frock, clinging to Tyelkormo's skirt with Carnistir's hand stuck to his, as they braved the "wilderness" of Míriel's garden.


It seems though that there are some final lessons to be learnt, some final games to be played and a secret or two to discover that should have been left alone. 


In Nargothrond Finrod Felagund is both the unwitting architect and witness to the final, dying gasp of Fëanorian innocence.

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Súlimëo Quentar: March Stories by Elleth

A collection of Elleth's 2012 B2MeM Bingo fics. Individual summaries (and warnings, if necessary) are provided in the chapter notes.

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Like a Shadow of Shifting Silver by Kimberleighe

The backstory to Waiting for the Thunder.  A story of Anairë and Fingolfin.


Chapter 9 posted!  As the Games grow closer, there's tension rising among the Eldar.


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Strange Beginnings by Urloth

The elves were content and dwelt long under the stars of the forest Cuiviénen. After many years with many groups and cultures multiple and different rites of passage and ways of living will evolve. 

Under the ever dark sky a child awakens in the forest and knows only that she is young and her name is Míriel.

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The Guardian of the Walls by Deborah Judge

On the failed romance of Aredhel and Celegorm.

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Postcards from Arda by Elleth

A set of ficlets for B2MeM 2011 (continued for the Season of Writing Dangerously).

New --- Day Twenty: As the new High King of the Noldor after the Dagor Bragollach, Fingon receives a reminder that not all is as grey as it seems. A double-drabble according to Open Office.

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Marta's Mathoms - BMEM 2011 by Marta

A series of stories written for Back to Middle-earth Month 2011.

  • New! "Jus Ad Bellum" ft. Elrond, Isiildur, and Maglor; 1,472 words
  • NEW! "Things Unseen" ft. Elendil + Pharazon, 1,136 words
  • NEW! "Three for the Elven-Lords II" ft. Cirdan, 200 words

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The Unspoken by Elfique

Many things remain unspoken, the reason for Glorfindel's apparent batchelorhood being one of them. A five part series of vignettes.

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West Wind Blowing by Himring

During the Bragollach, a respite in the attack on Himring allows the brothers to voice private regrets and fears.

This would be a songfic, except I wrote the lyrics myself. In other words, I wrote first a poem and then a ficlet to serve as a setting for it. The piece is also closely connected with my unfinished story "The West Wind Quartet" without actually being part of it.


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Uldor by Himring

This is the story of the unequal friendship between Maedhros and Uldor and its bitter end in betrayal and death, told from Uldor’s point of view.

It does not say anywhere that they were friends that I know of, but it seemed a reasonable explanation to me of what happened before Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Otherwise, wouldn’t the sons of Feanor have to have been a bit slow on the uptake or the sons of Ulfang fiendishly clever?

Like the rest of the series, this is, strictly speaking, Maedhros/Fingon, but it is possible to ignore that aspect of it (Uldor himself never guesses), so I’m not marking it.

This story has been nominated for the MEFAs 2010 by Angelica and won Third Place in Races: Cross-Cultural: General. Thank you very much to Angelica and to everyone who reviewed it for the MEFAs!

Now illustrated by the wonderful Alasse:

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Swan Song by Ithilwen

A terribly wounded Maglor finally makes his way back to Valinor, where he finds things have changed greatly during his long absence.  Will he be able to come to terms with his injuries and find new meaning in his life?   Warnings for psychiatric violence and medical squick, dubiously consensual (and somewhat graphic) sex, plus general weirdness.

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The Unforgettable Fire by Ithilwen

The relationship between Caranthir and Haleth.  Adult themes

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The Huntsman and the Lady by Sulriel

Galadriel walked away from the laws and ideals of the Valar so she could rule her own land in her own way, but faced with choices in these wild lands, is she really ready to abandon her upbringing to return to the old ways of her Avari forefathers?

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Silmarils Are Forever by whitewave

A very light but ambitious confection written mostly for the author’s pleasure wherein JRR Tolkien’s male canon characters are cast in roles from Ian Fleming’s work.   Only the crazy plot belongs to the author.

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Kinslayer by Anu

Here lay all the passion and fire Turgon ever needed to warm his cold heart.

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Taming the Wildflower by Sulriel

A Lady of Doriath, the cherished young Wildflower of that court, is swept up in the flame of Fëanor's heir.

“… Maedros the eldest appears to have been unwedded”
The Peoples of Middle-earth, History of Middle-earth Vol XII

2nd place in the Silmarillion-Romance Category in the 2004 MEFA

many many thanks to the gang at the Garden for their help with this long-overdue rewrite. (now complete!)

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How To Love Him by Rhapsody

On the eve of her wedding night, Amarië has a startling revelation about herself and her love for Finrod.

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House of the Setting Sun by Robinka

No hope, no regrets. An AU take on Mablung's coming to terms with the passing of Melian and the consequences thereof.

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This Darkest Son by ford_of_bruinen

Caranthir from a lover's view...take two  

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