Fanworks Tagged with Het

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Sleeping Amber through Darkened Doorways by Urloth

The AU I am writing, primarily surrounding Celegorm and Finrod/ Tyelkormo and Findarato, starting with a tentative truce between the pair and carryig on past their deaths into the life of Gildor Inglorion, the bastard son in body of Finrod and in spirit of Celegorm.


This is otherwise known to me and my friends as that AU where I am completely awful to Celegorm.

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Untidy Souls by StarSpray

As the Fourth Age begins, Elu Thingol at last returns from the Halls of Mandos.

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In Need of a Cold Shower by heget

At the dawn of the Second Age, Elrond volunteers himself to join an exciting quest to discover what nefarious mystery is threatening the distant north beyond the Icebay of Forochel. The two that join him are a Falmari maiden (and her giant swan companion) and a Sindarin veteran (with a direct connection to Elrond's childhood). If only they were not so interested in fighting each other. Or falling in love. Or driving Elrond crazy with their antics.

Hundred of miles to the south, safe and warm in his newly constructed palace in Númenor, his twin brother Elros laughs.

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Butterfly Wings by StarSpray

In the many gardens of Tirion there bloomed thousands of flowers, of all colors of the rainbow and more. And fluttering to and fro between the flowers and the trees and the shrubs were butterflies...

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Lockdown Instadrabbling by Nienna

A collection of ficlets (not true drabbles) written for Lockdown Instadrabbling on Discord.

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The encounter by firstamazon

He made his way unthinkingly deep into the forest, following his ears and his eyes, toward that which lured him madly. The nightingale sang more limpidly as he approached the focus of light.

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Triptych by Narya

A trio of drabbles from the point of view of Duilin's wife, Netiliel.

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Transformation by chrissystriped

Faranwe is captured by the Dark Hunter, torn from his family and changed forever. But even in Utumno there can be love and light.

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infin che 'l mar fu sovra noi richiuso by Feanoriel

Tales and rumours arose along the shores of the sea concerning mariners and men forlorn upon the water who, by some fate or grace or favour of the Valar, had entered in upon the Straight Way and seen the face of the world sink below them, and so had come to the lamplit quays of Avallónë, or verily to the last beaches on the margin of Aman, and there had looked upon the White Mountain, dreadful and beautiful, before they died. --- J.R.R.Tolkien, The Silmarillion

A collection of stories about the Fall of Númenor.

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Under a Sky of Infinite Stars by StraightOuttaHimring

Drabble dipecting a brief moment between Caranthir and Haleth. 

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Streams of Time by Leithriel

Time is a tricky thing to play with. It can take everything away from you. Yet, if you play your hand right, it can give back everything it took too.

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Star-Crossed by Leithriel

She realized that they were kindred spirits a long time ago, and that never changed, in spite of events that transpired, or the time that had passed.

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Nightingales in Willow Trees by StarSpray

Celebrian goes down to the river to gather willow bark.

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That's Amarië! by Sasha Honeypalm

When a dumb song's made worse/by nonsensical verse/that's a parody



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Familiar Stranger by StarSpray

Curufin returns from Mandos. Telpaltië isn't sure she wants to see him.

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Lovely, Dark and Deep by StarSpray

Elwë gets sidetracked on his way to visit Finwë.

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Echo of the Music by janeways

"It is said by the Eldar that in water there lives yet the echo of the Music of the Ainur more than in any substance that is in this Earth; and many of the Children of Ilúvatar hearken still unsated to the voices of the Sea, and yet know not for what they listen."

Finrod writes of love and nightingales (until all he can hear is the sound of water flowing).

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Fields and Mountains Ever Blessed by StarSpray

Celebrían has not been idle while waiting for Elrond to come west.

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"The Taming of Ossë" by Nerdanel by Sasha Honeypalm

Regret is a riptide; it will drown those who stray into it.

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On Wings of Storm by StarSpray

When the dragons come, so does Vingilot--and Earendil is not alone on board.

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Discord and Harmony by Independence1776

Young and in love, Nerdanel and Fëanor investigate the reality behind the Ainulindalë.

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The darkening of hearts by Nuredhel

When Fëanor realize the truth about his son's realtionship with his cousin he tries to break the two apart by forcing Maedhros into a marriage. What he fails to realize is that he by doing this is introducing an innocent third person into the family, a young nis who does firmly believe that this will be the end of everything. How can she survive when hearts turn dark and cold and the light itself is stolen from them. Can she ever find true love? And will the truth about her unusual life ever be revealed?

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Silver Fragments Falling by StarSpray

When Finrod had previously considered his death, he had thought it would come in battle, at the end of a sword or a mace or an arrow.

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Sing me a Song of the Queen who is Gone by Raiyana

He thought it was over, the darkest days of grief had passed, giving way to slivers of sunlight and new hope growing.
For a while, he was right.

And then he wasn't, then he was sucked right back into those grim days, trying to keep his heart from breaking but knowing it would inevitably shatter in his breast.

There was only one choice left, and it was no choice at all; it was despair and a guilt he would carry until the end of days, guilt under which he would become a version of himself he hardly recognised...

Or, the story of the Queen of Greenwood and the King who banished her for love and a desperate hope... and the shattered family she left behind.

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Slight Air and Purging Fire by mainecoon

Celebrimbor the Ringmaker was tortured to death and could not heal in the Halls of Mandos. His dwarven companion Narvi saw the unthinkable and never found peace. Maglor Fëanorion forgot about the world, but not about the blood on his own hands.
At the dusk of the Third Age, two broken elves and a dwarf ghost set out to fight the Enemy. They mean to find the Rings of Power, but their adventures take an unexpected turn...
Contains Celebrimbor/Narvi established relationship (old-married-couple) romance.

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