Fanworks Tagged with Adult

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Loyalty by Melesta

Írissë and Findekáno have always been close and understand each other well, and not only for the love they share for certain Fëanorian cousins.

How does this sibling love evolve between Aredhel and Fingon in Beleriand? What stands behind some crucial decisions for the White Lady of the Noldor?

A few heart-to-heart conversations between these two valiant Nolofinweans. And then some. Aredhel's POV.

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Complete by Melesta

Turukáno has come of age and discovers a bond deeper than friendship between his brother Findekáno and their cousin Maitimo. How does this impact his own life?

How does Turgon come to see the bond between Fingon and Maedhros? What does it have to do with his decisions in Beleriand, in Gondolin, and later back in Valinor? Can he cope with and forgive everything that has happened?

An attempt to explore the complex psychology of Turgon through the ages, from his own POV.

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Rain Washes Off All the Other Colors by Tethys Resort

“He has led us in here against our fears, but he will lead us out again, at whatever cost to himself.  He is surer to find his home in a blind night than the cats of Berúthiel.”  Aragorn, Moria.

The story of a woman and her cats. 

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What Brings Us Together by Aipilosse

crossposted on AO3

Life in Fourth Age Valinor is good for Celebrimbor. He has his students, he has his projects, and if life is a little less exciting than it was in Middle-earth, that’s probably for the best, right? So when a series of events conspires to bring Sauron the Dark Lord back into all of their lives, he must decide if he will help him regain his memories or if some things are better left in the past.

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Such a lovely sight by chrissystriped

He knew all the signs – the small, desperate, aroused sounds he made with every breath; the way he squeezed his eyes shut; his hips moving rhythmically – that indicated that the slave was nearing the point where it wasn’t a question of his will anymore if he came.


Melkor enjoys to see his slave aroused and the new toy Sauron sent him is really good at keeping him there.

Mablung just desperately wants to come.

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Piecing our Lives back together by chrissystriped

Findekáno brings Maitimo home, but nothing is like it was between Nolofinwe and Maedhros after his imprisonment in Angband. Maedhros feels tainted and unworthy, but Nolofinwe is not going to give up on him.

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Healing wounds by firstamazon

After millennia of being a self-imposed bachelor, Glorfindel reencounters the only person from his past capable of turning his world upside-down.

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in your very own symphony by kimaracretak

"You should be flattered," Thuringwethil counters, "To know that for you alone I would change my skin."

Aredhel scoffs. "Steal another's skin, more like."

(Be careful what you hunt. Or don't.)

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Upon the Branching Years by IgnobleBard

Legolas is tasked by Ulmo to travel to Gondolin to make sure history does not again deviate from Eru's plan. 


This is a time travel AU wherein Legolas Greenleaf and Legolas of Gondolin are the same person.


Written for the My Slashy Valentine Swap 2021.



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The last gift of Oromë by SkyEventide

Celegorm, who was friend of Oromë, who often visited the Vala's house and learnt the language of all birds and beasts - but hunted them also. This is a story of the noontide of Valinor, of a hunting party and of the deities of bow and arrow, loyalty yet untarnished, gifts and wisdom, and what it means to understand and talk to the things you kill. Sometimes Snow White and the Huntsman are the same person.

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Thranduil's Shadow by Mimi Lind

Young Thranduil rushes into a relationship that divides his family, and a series of tragic events turns him cold and reserved. To find happiness and love he must deal with his shadows, but how can he ever become free of his father?

This is a story of how Thranduil met Legolas’ mother, and also a recount of parts of the Silmarillion from his perspective.


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Intimate Adventures in Arda and Aman by Lferion

Ficlets of an intimate nature set in various places and times, generally with minimal angst.

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Like a Dream Come True by chrissystriped

Fëanáro looked at the Vala whose silver hair had a slight lavender hue in the light of Telperion. He was wearing a necklace of silver birds – nightingales. Fëanáro smiled, he’d made that for him. The fire of his anger at the decision the Valar had made in regard to his mother and father still simmered in his breast, but he’d learned a lot of smithcraft from Mahtan Aulendil and even Aulë himself, and Irmo had always been a friend to him.

A story of Feanor's and Irmo's relationship before and after his death. Also a story of how even the Valar have to rethink their rulings sometimes.

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Only Half-Related by chrissystriped

He should have seen it coming, Nolofinwe thought while Maitimo’s lips descended on his, hot and demanding. His nephew had stolen away to talk with him almost every time he visited Findekáno and it hadn’t escaped Nolofinwe how he looked at him – and he couldn’t deny that Maitimo was proving a hard trial for his self-control.


After Maitimo recognises Nolofinwe at a place for people of special tastes, they share a common secret. But is this a chance to have this kind of relationship with someone they care about or should they forget about it because of their close kinship?

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Hell or Frozen Water by Nienna

When I saw the ships burning in the distance, for a moment I thought it was some sort of celebration. For a moment it reminded me of the bonfires in springtime, and the grand holidays when all the children would dance together, spinning wildly. But then the fire grew too large and too bright to carry my wishful thinking, and I knew. I think we all knew, right then.

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For the Last Time by chrissystriped

Melkor is a captive of the Valar's army and Mairon sneaks into the camp to find him, when he is caught by Eonwe. Now he has to try to seduce his old friend to still have a chance.

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Shining Black by SkyEventide

The forest of Nan Elmoth is warded by magic and, apparently, inhabited. Celegorm and Curufin head into the woods, discovering who exactly lives in it. A "dark elf", who is a blacksmith. And is friends of the dwarves, and speaks Khuzdul. Curufin camps outside of the forest, to check that trade with the dwarves isn't disrupted by the encounter -- and to see if perhaps he could learn more about the enchantments that protect this land, and about its dweller.

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In Need of a Cold Shower by heget

At the dawn of the Second Age, Elrond volunteers himself to join an exciting quest to discover what nefarious mystery is threatening the distant north beyond the Icebay of Forochel. The two that join him are a Falmari maiden (and her giant swan companion) and a Sindarin veteran (with a direct connection to Elrond's childhood). If only they were not so interested in fighting each other. Or falling in love. Or driving Elrond crazy with their antics.

Hundred of miles to the south, safe and warm in his newly constructed palace in Númenor, his twin brother Elros laughs.

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Of procedure and penetration by Fadesintothewest

Noldorin finishing school is boring, but at least Findekáno has Nelyafinwë as his instructor. Inspired by the soap opera prompts: Stock Characters: The Virgin;  Plot Tropes: Amnesia; Typical Setting: School/University; Special Episode: Hallowe'en

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To Build The Bonds That Tie by ThatFeanorian

A modern AU centering around the house of finwë: who they are how they grow, and in the end, how they love. Mostly Russingon centric, but definitely involving other characters pretty liberally, especially the other feanorians.

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The Chosen by Gadira

As Middle-Earth lies under the yoke of the greatest tyranny in the world since the days of Morgoth, a woman from an unnamed mountain village is chosen. This is her story.

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The Molded Ones by Caranthol

The story of the first Orc's birth in Utumno, and of how that race was fashioned.

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Finding Lost Family by chrissystriped

After Sharû and his soldiers help the slaves of Angband regain their freedom, they are prisoners of war. Future is an uncertain thing for both the orcs and the freed elves. Ecthelion intends to make life better for all of them.

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That Attraction Between Us by chrissystriped

Laiglas stared at him, his mouth hanging open. “I beg your pardon?”, he stammered and blushed when some things shot through his head, he sometimes dreamed of. Melkor and Mo in one bed with him... But: “Mablung... I’m sorry, but... you are my friend, I love you, but I don’t think of you like that.” Mablung laughed cheerfully. “You don’t have to be sorry for that, I feel the same about you. But I still think the four of us could have fun.”

Melkor and Mablung have a proposal for their friends.

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