Fanworks Tagged with Creator Chooses Not to Warn

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Their Hour Was Not Yet Come by Kaylee Arafinwiel

 From Numenor to Imladris, the stories of the past are handed down, culminating in a momentous occasion.

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Waiting for the Thaw by Narya

Annatar takes a brooding Celebrimbor for a walk in the snow.

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The Grey Rain-Curtain by Lindariel

Galadriel returns to Valinor only to find it has changed beyond her imaginings.

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Sweeping past the minutes of its face by Himring

A mechanical clock is imported from The Shire to Valinor.

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Hewers of wood and drawers of water. by hennethgalad

an unwitting eyewitness struggles with the consequence.

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Day Will Come Again by Narya

Fingon takes a moment to remember his cousin at midwinter.

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The Scrape of the Knife Against the Vellum by heget

The story of the tenth companion of Finrod and Beren to die in the dungeons of Tol-in-Gaurhoth.

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Through a Mirror Darkly by HannaGoldworthy

Year 2510 of the Third Age: Celebrian arrives in Valinor during Sovalle, a new (for her) feast of repentance and reconciliation.  And, much to her suprise and discomfort, she's not the only new face hanging around...

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i should stay far away by kimaracretak

Aredhel is dead, and her relationship with Thuringwethil evolves.

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Déjà vu at Tarnin Austa by Himring

Death attends the summer festival, not once but twice.

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Rewind... by Nienna

During the chaos of the Downfall of Númenor, Uinen goes back in time to relive a memory while attempting to save Tar-Míriel, her beloved.

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Gathering Dusk by Idrils Scribe

A nameless evil spreads through the North, and the Elves must fight or be destroyed. When the Hidden Valley comes under siege, Elrond and Celebrían's children face wars of their own. Elladan bears the burden of his father's secret, Elrohir fights his greatest battle yet, and Arwen seeks her purpose in a darkening world.

The tale of the fall of Arnor and the rise of the Witch-king, as seen from Rivendell.

This story is completely written and will be posted over the month of December. Many thanks to my wonderful beta readers Dawn Felagund and Cherepashka.

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Noldo by Himring

A poem for November: on the struggle and against the long defeat.

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The Long Despair of Success by AndyC

Maglor, just wanting to be alone, is forced to tell his story to some victorious Elves of the Host of Finarfin.

But he doesn't tell them everything.

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Namesakes by Himring

In the First Age, just before the Fifth Battle of Beleriand, Beleg joins the forces of King Fingon and meets Haldir of the Haladin, son of Halmir, who had been his ally in an earlier victory in Brethil.

Millennia after the disastrous loss of the Fifth Battle, Haldir of Lothlorien is introduced to a re-embodied Beleg in Valinor, and Beleg speaks to him of his namesake.

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Without a Word by Independence1776

Haunted by the past two years of his life, Maglor returns to the home he vanished from. Maglor in history.

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A Song of Staying by Himring

In the far future, in a galaxy far, far away, a few lines from the Silmarillion still serve as inspiration.

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to higher ground by kimaracretak

She is only nine summers old, Nienor, but already she knows that not all creatures are like her. She is only nine summers old, and she has not yet learned which of the others are to be feared, and so she approaches the girl with a heart vast as the sky, a heart that she knows her mother would scold her for not keeping shut.

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The First time Ever I Saw Your Face by Keiliss

After his village is attacked and his family destroyed, half-Avarin Erestor has to start a new life in Imladris. He and Glorfindel, both outsiders of sorts, are drawn together through shared grief and survived disaster. Some angst, much sweetness in the looming shadow of war with Angmar.

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your killer and your lifeline too by kimaracretak

She worried over such futures in the furrows of the world, the spaces of the in-between that she was sure held answers she had yet to grasp. Thuringwethil's skin did not come with her memories, but Lúthien knew what it meant when the world she saw no longer responded to her song. No more could she draw flowers from the earth, or ask the waters of Sirion to dance beneath her outstretched hand.

[ Lúthien, and the price she paid for skin. ]

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Playing With Fire by liruinielfeanoriel

Some happy and sad times of Findarato's romance to oc "I"; some hints to Findarato's relationship with Amarie; throw in a few comments from Celegorm and Curufin; it became a short story.

And it all started with a poem.

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Nan Dungortheb. by hennethgalad

The Ride of Aredhel Ar-Feiniel through the Vale of Dreadful Death.

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A half-life, a cursed life by Lyra

Anárion discusses the specifics of Maedhros' and Húrin's captivity with his brother, and comes to a chilling conclusion.

Rated Adult for some discussion of torture.

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Orca by Himring

An orc escapes into the hands of Ulmo.

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Duty by Gabriel

High King Gil-galad visits Eregion for rest and respite.

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