Fanworks Tagged with Creator Chooses Not to Warn

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Shadowmere by Himring

There is some suggestion that Tirion continued to be inhabited after the fall of Numenor.
How did its inhabitants feel about the fact that Pharazon's army was buried so close to the city?

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Insta-Drabbles 2019 by Alquien

These aren't really true drabbles per se, but they are what I came up with. Also, these are un-beta'd. Hope you enjoy!

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The Afterlives of Orcs (Drabble) by lovelytimes

Short drabble written for the 2019 Solstice instadrabbling challenge.

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"Fulgurite" and Other Drabbles by Dawn Felagund

A collection of drabbles written for the 2019 Solstice Instadrabbling on the SWG Discord. See the Table of Contents for summaries (and content warnings, if needed) for individual pieces.

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Beautiful by Fadesintothewest

A silvery night of frivolty once upon a time in Tirion. 

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Destined to be together by Himring

In the Third Age, in a small coastal town of Gondor, a young girl has an encounter at a critical time for her.

A wandering Maglor story featuring an animal rescue.

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The heart, it hides unimaginable things by Himring

One night in Mithrim, Maglor helps Maedhros through a panic attack.

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Trials by Independence1776

Maglor talks with Nerdanel and stands trial before the Valar.

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Who Killed King Finwe? by Lingwiloke

After his successful theft of the Silmarils, Melkor is in a very good mood.

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Lullaby by grey_gazania

A brief interlude between Fingon and his wife.

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Wrestling by hennethgalad

scenes from the life of Glóredhel, eldest child of Hador Lórindol and Gildis.
married Haldir son of Hamdir, of the Haladin. 


also Legendarium Ladies April.

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Star-Crossed by Leithriel

She realized that they were kindred spirits a long time ago, and that never changed, in spite of events that transpired, or the time that had passed.

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B2MEM 2019 Double Drabbles by eris_of_imladris

My double drabbles based on B2MEM prompts! My self-imposed rule was that I had to use prompts from the same Bingo number/day together.


Based on the following cards: All OCs All The Time, Aspects of Aragorn, Color Burst: Purple, Elements of Elrond, Facets of Faramir, Fëanatics, Fun with Fëanorians, Maglor in History 1, Person vs. Self, and Textual Ghosts.


Individual pieces rated G - T. Check individual pieces for warnings.


***Hidden Figures Challenge: Chapters O72, B12, N44, N45, N32***

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Denial by Fernstrike

There's a way the wind whispers through the trees in Eregion.

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A book and a brother by Aprilertuile

All Maitimo wanted was to read his book. All Makalaurë wanted was to speak to his brother of the woman he met. 

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Liver, Heart, and Soul by Scribe of Mirrormere

Caranthir hears of a Moriquendi tribe with a rather unusual practice. He wishes to seek their demise immediately, but one of his daughters selects a different path.

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An Invitation To Dance by Tilperiel

A Yuletide Ball set in Vinyamar in the First age.

This work is for elemmire-of-aman for the Tolkien Secret Santa Exchange 2018.

It can be read as a standalone or as part of the Silver & Gold Verse (soon to be published)

Prompt: Glorfindel, Fingon, Maedhros, Russingon. No NSFW.

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The Nightingale Sang by ArtificialEnt

Luthien runs into a strange and batlike creature on her way to rescue Beren.

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Song and Smoke by Zdenka

During her forced marriage to Brodda, Aerin is consoled by the presence of Rían’s ghost. (Two versions of the story: chapter 1 in prose and chapter 2 in alliterative verse.)

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Aftermath by Independence1776

In the brief period of calm between the end of the War and the Valinorean army sailing home to Aman, Maglor makes a decision.

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time (you are light) by kimaracretak

Lalaith and death are both patient creatures.

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Flashes of Fancy by heget

All the instadrabbles (100 words or less) written for the SWG Discord event on November 18th. 

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In Our Hearts We Know the Truth by Saelind

A collection of drabbles from the instadrabbling sessions on Discord. 

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They Went in Haste by Dawn Felagund

A collection of drabbles written for instadrabbling sessions on the SWG Discord.

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