Fanworks Tagged with Check Notes for Warnings

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didn't know where else to go by maglor-my-beloved

Erestor and Gil-galad are not friends, to say the least, barely tolerating each other for Elrond's sake.

Their comfortable enmity, however, is interrupted one night, when Erestor finds Gil-galad at his door, hurt and terrified.

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As the Hare Flees Before the Wolf by Arveldis

Celegorm took the javelin from the beast, examining it. He ran his finger over the blade, where the poison glistened in the sunlight, then sniffed his finger. His gaze flicked up to Eöl’s. Eöl thought to see anger or triumph flicker in the Elf-lord’s eyes, but they were cold and impassive, and when he spoke, his voice was deadly quiet. “I wonder: Who was this meant for—your wife, or your son?”

Eöl felt the blood drain from his face, and he reached for the hilt of his sword.

Curufin is not the only son of Fëanor Eöl meets upon the plains of Himlad.

Or, Eöl meets Celegorm while pursuing Aredhel and Maeglin, and things go very badly for him.

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Heat Wave in the City of the Moon by Himring

It is the time before the War of the Last Alliance, before the first fall of Isildur's recently built city of Minas Ithil to Sauron's attack.

One of its inhabitants is sensitive to the unseasonable weather; she does not quite realize she is also suffering from premonitions.

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A Herb for Ragnir by Himring

At the lowest ebb of her fortunes, Morwen was left with only two of her former servants: Sador, who was lame in one foot, and Ragnir, who was blind.
We know she had sometimes been unsympathetic to Sador's failings, until her family changed her mind.
We need not assume she had a similar history with blind Ragnir, though.

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Bear's Last Autumn by Himring

Beorn's last farewell to his son.
With a coda, showing the Beornings returning to the mountains.

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A Crack in the Ice by yletylyf

Irissë crosses the ice, loses a sister and a brother, and battles her way towards a reunion with the cousin who deserted her.

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A language he speaks by yletylyf

Celebrían takes a no-nonsense approach when she learns of the danger Celebrimbor is in. Under her leadership - and brooking no opposition, especially not from Celebrimbor himself - she forms an alliance of elves, dwarves, and men to confront Sauron before he reaches Ost-in-Edhil.


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What nourishes me, destroys me by yletylyf

Celebrimbor and Annatar are ready to eject Galadriel from their city. But they get distracted, and Galadriel takes advantage.


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Battle Harp by Himring

An early encounter between Gleowine the minstrel and the battle harp--and also between Gleowine and his future king, Theoden, son of Thengel.

Written for the Art's Desire challenge at the LOTR community (February 2017).
Inspired by Rohan icons created by Oshun for the July 2012 Art Challenge: Miniature.
Oshun commented on the icons: "It is part of my own personal, perhaps AU, canon to imagine that the Rohan as an oral culture made use of harps, including battle harps."
The icons depicted riders and a harp.

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A Morsel of Food or Two by Himring

Drabbles about food:
I: Caraway (featuring Frodo and Rosie)
II: Cheese-wright of Gondor (featuring a woman of Lossarnach)

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Snowdrops by Himring

Valacar, prince of Gondor, is sent to Rhovanion to learn the ways of his father’s allies and falls in love with Vidumavi, the daughter of his host.

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End of a Reign Unrecorded by Himring

The usurper Tar-Anducal has closed the theatre in Armenelos that his deceased wife, Tar-Vanimelde, so loved.
The group of dancers that conspired with her against his usurpation have been touring everywhere except in the capital, hoping not to draw his notice.
Are their fortunes about to change?

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Strings by Himring

Stringed instruments require stringing.
Maglor has used many sets of strings.

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The Insult by Himring

A Noldorin academic may express her opinions quite forcefully, sometimes.
Tatiel already had a bit of a reputation, even before the Darkening, and she is not cowed.

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Two Rohirrim by Himring

Riddles about two female characters from Rohan, and three drabbles each about these two female characters .


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Beorn's Wife by Himring

Beorn and his son Grimbeorn the Old are canonical, so Grimbeorn's mother must be, too.
But what was she like?

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Boromir Drabbles by Himring

Two drabbles on the mourning in Gondor for Boromir's death.

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Gilraen leaves for Rivendell by Himring

What the title says.
Poem in response to Rhapsody's excellent stories about Gilraen.

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and death was his reward by Himring

Once again, Fingon has leapt in to rescue somebody at personal cost.
Turgon retreats to the greater safety of the secret city of Gondolin, from which he re-emerges to try and save his brother—and fails.

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This Moment, All Your Life by Himring

On shores separated by more than mere distance, Maglor and Elwing do not encounter each other, but...

Third Age at the earliest, but probably later.

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The Crow's Flight by Himring

One of the crebain drops out of the hunt for the Fellowship over Hollin.

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Feast by ohboromir

As they prepare for a grand celebration, memories of the past return to haunt Gondolin’s royal family.


@gondolinweek Day 1: Feast - Idril, Eärendil, Turgon

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Song of the Numenoreans by Himring

It is the middle of the Second Age.
The Numenoreans, who always tended to think a little more highly of themselves than perhaps they deserved, have turned oppressive and grasping.
Inhabitants of coastal towns are always happy to see Numenorean ships approaching (not).

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Who By Fire by polutropos

A Fëanorian hunter is seriously injured near the Nolofinwëan camp at Lake Mithrim. Though Fingolfin scarcely knew Fëanor's youngest sons, he at once recognises and is drawn to his nephew, whose presence offers him a semblance of closure to the irreparable relationship with his dead half-brother. After taking on the role of Amrod's healer himself, he discovers that their wounds, and their need for each other, run far deeper than he thought.

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