Fanworks Tagged with Check Notes for Warnings

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The Jewel Out of Reach is Ever the Fairest by Rocky41_7

Dwarves love gems, and the Elvenking bears a crown of gold. Thorin only wishes Thror were willing to admire it from afar.

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Find Your Way Home by sabcatt

Idril loves Maeglin. He knows this is true, because she tells him it is. He loves her, too.

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Shadows Laid Before the Sun by Idrils Scribe

When Caranthir picks one fight too many with their Arafinwëan cousins, Maedhros drags him east before he single-handedly shatters the Leaguer of Angband.
On their way to Himring the feuding brothers must cross Nan Dungortheb. Not even the mighty Sons of Fëanor will emerge unscathed from the Valley of Dreadful Death.

STORY COMPLETE. Chapter 8: “We cannot kill it, can we?” Carnistir asked, and looked aside to see the scarred lines of Maitimo’s face harden.

A Halloween gift for Dawn Felagund. Many thanks to Anoriath and Grundy for the beta, and to Lyra for her Quenya translation skills!

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In the Dark and the Light by chrissystriped

Adar's life through the First Age -- before he was even called Adar.

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Bearer of Chiaroscuro by AdmirableMonster

Mairon flees Angband to warn his lovers in Gondolin of the impending fall of the city.

Written for the 2022 Matryoshka Challenge (Difficult setting! :B)

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What Happens at Camp Eglarest, Stays at Camp Eglarest by polutropos

With the addition of Daeron's new roommate and Lúthien's annoying fiancé, their annual July long-weekend trip to Eglarest Beach is already set to be more eventful than usual. To add to the mayhem, Maglor's obnoxious brother has invited himself and his dog along.

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Through the Snowy Wood by StarSpray

Thranduil, Oropher, and Elwing have escaped Menegroth and must make their way through the forests of Doriath.

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Incubation by elennalore

Melkor in the Void. A poem in free verse and accompanying art.

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Rewilding by Himring

It sounds as if none of the people of Enedwaith who were defeated by the Numenoreans returned.
But maybe a few did, once the Numenorean port was falling into ruin?

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The Road to the Havens: The First Step by Himring

Andvir later supplies information about Turin to the poet who wrote a poem about him, but what does it mean for him, personally, to be the son of one of the most agressive of Turin's outlaws and nevertheless end up at the Havens?


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Stupid Sexy Gil-galad by bunn

In which the mysterious manner in which Gil-galad obtained the power to banish Galadriel to Valinor is revealed. 

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Elegy for Númenor – Volume 2: The Darkening by elfscribe

Ar-Pharazôn, the mighty King of Númenor, thinks he has triumphed when his powerful enemy, Sauron, surrenders, and the King carries him back to his glorious island kingdom. However, Sauron’s greatest power lies not in his armies, but in his capacity for guile and seduction. A drama with many players.

Rating: M overall, although, no doubt, future chapters will have explicit content.

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Elrond in Ar-Pharazôn's Númenor by Independence1776

My second artwork for TRSB 2022. Elrond is secretly visiting Númenor during the reign of Ar-Pharazôn, years after Sauron’s capture, and is captured himself.

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Runaway Horses by Himring

A runaway conversation about runaway horses.
Early in the Fourth Age, some of our heroes meet at Bree, including Merry, Elrohir, Faramir and Eowyn.
In the evening, the conversation takes an unexpected turn; stories are told and the stories range widely...
A Tale for the New Year (originally written in January 2019).

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My Heart is with the Sea, my Heart is with You by chrissystriped

Círdan has known and loved the Wanderer since the first age.
When he hears of Gandalf's fall in Moria he resolves to find him and retrieve his body, if nothing else.

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Kintsugi in Andunie by Himring

An elvish visitor from Tol Eressea to Andunie in Numenor mends an old pot.

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Víressë by Dawn Felagund

As Sauron's reach lengthens, Winter lingers overlong in Gondor. In the midst of cold, despair, and the slow march to war, Boromir kindles a forbidden love affair with an unknown errand-rider that creates intrigue and betrayal. Written for Keiliss for the 2015 LotRGenfic/MPTT Yule Exchange.

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The voice of the river awoke by Himring

The fall of Isengard, from an unusual point of view.

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Steinernes Herz by daughterofshadows

Man muß immerfort verändern, erneuern, verjüngern, um nicht zu verstocken. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Denethor hat aufgehört sich zu verändern. Wie die Statuen in seiner Halle wird er langsam zu Stein.

Welche Konsequenzen wird das für die Zukunft von Minas Tirith haben?

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Meadow Flowers & Butterflies by StarSpray

A collection of non-Silm-based drabbles and ficlets.

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After the Storm Waves by Himring

The Downfall of Numenor has also inflicted considerable damage on settlements in Lindon.

When Elendil's ships arrive, Cirdan considers how to put up those Numenoreans who escaped the Downfall.

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Made of stone by daughterofshadows

Osgiliath has fallen, and Denethor sits in his hall, face as stony as the statues around him.

Faramir fears for the future.

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Neldë Nelquain mí Orelesta by Chestnut_pod

Elemmírë gathers sparks in the Darkness -- light without end.

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The Leafless Winter by StarSpray

Though Elwing did not speak, Nienna seemed to know her thoughts. "Few of the Eldar come to stay long in my halls," she said, "but they are open to all. Will you come there?"

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Found by chrissystriped

A reborn Celebrimbor has come to Middle-earth to search for Maglor.

He finds someone else.

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