Fanworks Tagged with Beren

This is a Writing fanwork

Erchamion by heget

A brief exploration of physical disabilities as pertaining to Beren and others.

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The book of lost things by Dilly

Drabbles and ficlets compilation, english and french.

Recueil de courts textes sur le Silmarillion. Beren/Luthien, Maedhros/Fingon, fils de Fëanor, Sauron, etc.

Classés dans l\'ordre chronologique.

Fanwork Information

This is a Series fanwork

Stories of the Sindar by oshun

I write mainly about the Noldor. And even writing about them, write mainly about the Feanorians and those who love them. This is my collection of stories featuring the Sindar and those who love them.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Thranduil's Shadow by Mimi Lind

Young Thranduil rushes into a relationship that divides his family, and a series of tragic events turns him cold and reserved. To find happiness and love he must deal with his shadows, but how can he ever become free of his father?

This is a story of how Thranduil met Legolas’ mother, and also a recount of parts of the Silmarillion from his perspective.


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Midwinter 2020 Image Instadrabbling by Lindariel

From the SWG Discord server sessions on 9 January 2021.

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This is a Writing fanwork

A Lay of Luthien by Himring

A drabble sequence about Luthien Tinuviel.

Mainly in appreciation of her! 
(Although perhaps not entirely without questions.)

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This is a Reference fanwork

Beren by oshun

Following up on our three-part biography of Lúthien Tinúviel, this month's biography of Beren discusses his early life, the evolution of his character in the legendarium, and his particular importance as a prototype for Aragorn and the small, simple heroes who would come to characterize Tolkien's later work.

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This is a Writing fanwork

The encounter by firstamazon

He made his way unthinkingly deep into the forest, following his ears and his eyes, toward that which lured him madly. The nightingale sang more limpidly as he approached the focus of light.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Service to the Dead by heget

“But why are you here, M’lord? And not in thine Halls or reborn o’er the seas?” Gorlim asked.

“There is no peace for me there,” answered the armored phantom. “I vowed never to be reborn, and spoke this oath before the Doomsman. He accepted, loathe though he was at my resolve. I am not my cousins, to ever rest from this war against the Great Foe. So he sends me thither, to fight Morgoth once more, in the manner of the servants of Mandos.”

The Team-up Fic You Never Knew You Needed: the Ghosts of Gorlim and Aegnor Have Adventures (While Somebody Steals a Silmaril)

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This is a Writing fanwork

Beren Raps by hennethgalad

'crack': "Rap or song battles gone horribly wrong or right - Finrod learned it somewhere"

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This is a Writing fanwork

Situation Assessment by Grundy

Beren, newly arrived in Nargothrond, explains his predicament to Finrod.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Blood on Bone for a Lover's Burial by heget

After the Dagor Bragollach, Wise-woman Andreth demands that their dead be buried. Her great-nephews, Baragund and Belegund, escort her to the ruins of Barathonion, to search for bones.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Regarding And Revisiting The Death Of Thingol And The Subsequent Ambush Of The Dwarven Army by heget

Quote-heavy essay on the Battle at the Sarn Athrad against the dwarves, editorial changes to rework the Death of Thingol to fit together with later drafts, and a possible way to reconcile drafts and conflicting canon.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Flashes of Fancy by heget

All the instadrabbles (100 words or less) written for the SWG Discord event on November 18th. 

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This is a Writing fanwork

Filial Piety by heget

The story of the third companion of Finrod and Beren to die in the dungeons of Tol-in-Gaurhoth.

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This is a Writing fanwork

A Path Drenched in Blood by Kaz

Why didn't Dior give the Silmarils to the Sons of Fëanor? Why didn't Elwing, knowing the likely result? An attempt at a sympathetic explanation.

In which Lúthien worries, Nimloth plots, Dior learns about bargaining, Eärendil sees what most do not, Galadriel is not maternal and - throughout - Elwing dreams.

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Silver Fragments Falling by StarSpray

When Finrod had previously considered his death, he had thought it would come in battle, at the end of a sword or a mace or an arrow.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Mountains Cold, Shadows Shimmering by Laura Elizabeth

Beren's journey over the Ered Gorgoroth and into the woods of Doriath.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Lanthir Lamath. by hennethgalad

Dior burns the toast...

(More 30 day character study.)

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This is a Writing fanwork

Eluchíl by hennethgalad

Ents and Eldar gather on Tol Galen to sing of past grief and future hope.

Dior meets Nimloth again.

part 5 of the 30-day character study.  


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This is a Writing fanwork

Alagor to Daeredhel by hennethgalad

A letter from one friend of Dior to another.

Dior, in trouble with his parents, is sent to Menegroth.


      (comes after 'Concerning Dior' and 'for in that sleep of death, what dreams may come ?' )

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