Concerning Dior.
Series compiled by hennethgalad
- Series Information
Major Characters: Original Character(s), Beren, Celegorm, Dior, Elu Thingol, Eluréd, Elurín, Ents, Gildor, Lúthien Tinúviel, Maedhros, Melian, Nimloth
Major Relationships:
Genre: General
Fanworks in "Concerning Dior."

Concerning Dior. by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
The first part is excerpts from the journal of Helin, sister to Edrahil, who visits Tol Galen when Dior is a small child.

"for in that sleep of death, what dreams may come ?" by hennethgalad
Warnings: Mature Themes
Dior is helped to face adolescence by his parents.

Alagor to Daeredhel by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
A letter from one friend of Dior to another.
Dior, in trouble with his parents, is sent to Menegroth.
(comes after 'Concerning Dior' and 'for in that sleep of death, what dreams may come ?' )

New Vintage. by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Being the fourth part of the 30 day character study.
In which Dior meets Nimloth.

Eluchíl by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Ents and Eldar gather on Tol Galen to sing of past grief and future hope.
Dior meets Nimloth again.
part 5 of the 30-day character study.

Nimloth. by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Nimloth and Gildor speak at her wedding to Dior.

Lanthir Lamath. by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Dior burns the toast...
(More 30 day character study.)

At The Battle of Sarn Athrad. by hennethgalad
Warnings: Violence (Graphic)
Beren hands on his mantle to Dior.

Garden Secret. by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
The family of Dior move to Menegroth after the death of Thingol.

'shadows of regret' by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Dior receives the Silmaril in the Nauglamir.

Guruthnaur. by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Dior receives word from the sons of Fëanor asking for the Silmaril.

The Second Kinslaying. by hennethgalad
Warnings: Violence (Graphic)
The sons of Fëanor attack Menegroth.