Fanworks Tagged with Melkor/Sauron

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Lacuna by AdmirableMonster

In the wake of his ravishing by Morgoth, Mairon, who was Arien, falls.

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Jubilee 2025 Instadrabbling by elennalore

Three 100 words drabbles I wrote during the Jubilee 2025 live instadrabbling event on the SWG discord server.

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Mairon: 30-Day Character Study by elennalore

Ficlets and drabbles on Mairon written for 30-Day Character Study.

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Coincidences of Fate by cílil

Sometimes Eönwë wonders if his life is just like Manwë's romance novels. Sometimes he even thinks the One may be laughing at him from above.

A story told in exactly 4 1/3 drabbles.

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It comes in Threes by cílil

Three triple drabbles written for the It comes in Threes challenge, featuring various Ainur.

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Meet & Greet Challenge Drabbles by cílil

A small drabble collection for the 2024 Matryoshka Meet & Greet Challenge.

Ainur-centric, canonverse, various pairings.

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Organum by mairoff

 When Melkor approaches him it is not necessarily out of ill intents - he thinks. As Aulë’s second he enjoys a certain reputation - one that gives him the moniker Admirable.

No, Mairon does not start evil at all.

Though, perhaps it is in his nature to ever evolve, ever iterate, he is fond of empirical processes and his surroundings feel small and smothering sometimes. But Mairon laughs, Mairon cares, Mairon even loves.

And that is his own doom.

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When the Phoenix Cries by kimikocha

“It's not your fault,” whispers a voice very like Tyelpë’s — but Tyelpë isn’t here. There is no succor left for Mairon; no refuge in this land of Men permitted only to stand at the gates of the world and gaze in longing toward its glory.

In Númenor, Mairon longs for what he has lost. Tyelpë comes to find him.

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longing by Harp_of_Gold

In Numenor, Mairon contemplates a sacrifice.

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The first moonrise by yletylyf

Angband is not what Maedhros expected.

In which Mairon uses charm to get what he wants, Maedhros learns a great deal about the Enemy, Melkor eventually loses his patience, and Fingon is vailant.

(mostly featuring Maedhros & Sauron, but with Melkor/Mairon and Maedhros/Fingon as well)

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On the same ruinous path by ohboromir

The Void welcomes Mairon the Admirable, at the end of all things.


A little drabble I wrote for @angbangweek Day 4: The Void.

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what would you trade the pain for? by skywardstruck

A fleeting moment in the last days of Celebrimbor's life, in the dungeons below Eregion. Even if it hurts to kill the one he loves, even if Celebrimbor has forever changed him, it is too late for Sauron to turn back.

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Eternal Flame by elennalore

On the last night of the war, Melkor sends Mairon away.

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customer service by hanneswrites

Melkor has an OnlyFans & Mairon is his #1 subscriber. Modern!AU

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The Burninator by Grundy

After the events at the Morannon, Sauron may be weak, but he has a pressing question only Morgoth can answer... (Daughters of Celebrian ficlet.)

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A Miracle of Infectiousness by kimikocha

It's supposed to be impossible for the Ainur to get sick, but Mairon has always been exceptional.

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Proceedings of the Angband Poets' Society by kimikocha

Selections from the latest edition of the Angband Poets' Society magazine.

What's that, you say? You didn't realize Angband had a poets' society? Well, now you know.

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The Library of Mandos by kimikocha

FIRST NOTICE: Library records show the following item(s) overdue. Please return or renew them as soon as possible to avoid further charges. Note that late fees for Dark Lords accrue at the rate of one (1) Silmaril per day.

Fëanor starts a library in Mandos. The question of the day: Which member of the Arda Evil League of Evil borrowed Twilight and forgot to return it?

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Shadow'd from Heaven's Eye by kimikocha

Mairon is seduced during the Years of the Lamps.

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firelight by hanneswrites

Mairon & Melkor get married and have an overall fluffy time.

Featuring Wedding Fluff & Wedding Night Shenanigans.

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Transcript of Divorce Proceedings: Mairon v. Melkor by Rocky41_7

Official family court transcript of the divorce proceedings in the matter of Mairon v. Melkor.

Expletives have been redacted from the transcript.

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Wax by ohboromir

“Now, my lord, you must keep still.”

Melkor was not entirely certain how he had gotten himself into this situation. No, that was not true. He knew what he had said; he had complained to Mairon of some inconsequential matter, and the Lieutenant had responded sharply that he needed to learn some patience. And of course, he had not been able to hold his tongue, and he had demanded that Mairon teach him.

(Tolkien Secret Santa Advent (NSFW) Calendar Day 19: Wax Play)

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Test of Loyalty by Uvatha the Horseman

In the Age of the Trees, Mairon-Sauron burned his bridges when he left home to become the newest member of Melkor's household. He has no idea what he's gotten himself into. (slash Sauron/Melkor)

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The Burnt God by Taylor17387

Melkor has been imprisoned in the halls of Mandos for all too long. The day of the trial is approaching, and now he's willing to do almost anything to convince his jailer of his change of heart. From then onwards, everything seems to go downhill for him, and upon returning to Angband, his relationship with Sauron will turn rather tense.

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