The Burninator by Grundy

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Fanwork Notes

My prompt for Zingers was You are a pizza burn on the roof of the world’s mouth. -Community

Pizza in Arda led naturally to Buffy led to 'maybe she did get in a few insults before the end...'

Fanwork Information


After the events at the Morannon, Sauron may be weak, but he has a pressing question only Morgoth can answer... (Daughters of Celebrian ficlet.)

Major Characters:

Major Relationships: Melkor/Sauron

Genre: Crossover

Challenges: Also Appearing, Zingers

Rating: Teens


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 460
Posted on 15 July 2022 Updated on 22 August 2022

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Burninator

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Bwahaha! Oh, poor Mairon. (I'm also struck by how much Melkor cares for him,  I didn't know he had it in him... although, maybe it's purely selfish, and he just needs Mairon to help regain entry to Arda?)