Fanworks Tagged with Caranthir

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Wrapped Up in Books by grey_gazania

Scenes from the lives of Caranthir and his wife Parmacundë.

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Loyalty by grey_gazania

Who were Ulfang's people, and why did they betray the Elves?

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Republic of Tirion by Dawn Felagund

It is Aman. It is the Fifth Age. Finally left to his own devices, Finarfin has decided to show his own radical streak, unkinged himself, and established representative democracy in Tirion against the will of the Valar. Adding to the crazy, all his exiled, slain relatives are beginning to return from Mandos ...

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Paper by Dawn Felagund

Curufin escapes to the realms of fantasy to escape the pressures of his family and discovers the thrill of first love.

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Laughter as light as a feather by firstamazon

Every summer, Macalaurë’s entire family takes a trip to the woods and sets up camp for a few days, enjoying the nice weather and each other’s companies.

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To Build The Bonds That Tie by ThatFeanorian

A modern AU centering around the house of finwë: who they are how they grow, and in the end, how they love. Mostly Russingon centric, but definitely involving other characters pretty liberally, especially the other feanorians.

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Pages from the Archives of Cîr Imladris by Lferion

Elrond took his library with him to Valinor. In that archive are many things, and the librarians and archivists of Cîr Imladris (New Rivendell) are kept delightfully busy.

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Under the Birch Leaves by My blue rose

Caranthir is terrible with people in general and women in particular. That does not stop him from trying. A monment in Caranthir and Haleth's courtship. Gift Fic for Grundy for the Block Party challenge.

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Lockdown Instadrabbling by Lindariel

From the Discord server sessions on 25 March, 29 March, and 12 April 2020.

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All Hues and Honeys by Dawn Felagund

This is my latest collection of pieces too small to stand alone, often written for events on the SWG Discord.

The Latest:
"Memorial." Nerdanel ponders how to memorialize the kinslaying.
"Tears Unnumbered." The Haudh-en-Nirnaeth after the deluge.
"Unsafety." Fingolfin rides to Morgoth's gates.
"Quiet Love." Nerdanel cares for Fëanor on the anniversary of Míriel's death.
"The Secret Door." Celebrimbor learns lessons about magic.

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The Blue Wooden Door. by hennethgalad

A guard of Caranthir reminisces. 


5: "The blue wooden door."

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Hearing Inside by Himring

Growing up in Valinor, Maglor and Caranthir establish a strong connection, despite difficulties.

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Of Things Made to be Destroyed by janeways

This, too, will soon slip out of reach / This, too, will soon come to an end

Caranthir and Haleth, falling in love, despite it all.

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Flames and Moths by HannaGoldworthy

Vignettes of relationships between Elves and Men, with the addition of one small detail.

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cut my roots & now my leaves are dead by Astris

Following the move eastwards, the steward of the camp at Himring prepares for a Feanorian reunion. Written for the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang 2019, OC-centric.

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no other star by arriviste

“You would be dead to a man if I had not come,” said Caranthir. “To a woman!”

Haleth meets three Elven-Kings as the Haladin search for a homeland in Beleriand, and deals with mourning, survival, and culture clash.

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Fragments by SkyEventide

Short stories mostly in drabble form written for the Solstice Instadrabbling Challenge 2019 on the discord server.

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"Fulgurite" and Other Drabbles by Dawn Felagund

A collection of drabbles written for the 2019 Solstice Instadrabbling on the SWG Discord. See the Table of Contents for summaries (and content warnings, if needed) for individual pieces.

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Under a Sky of Infinite Stars by StraightOuttaHimring

Drabble dipecting a brief moment between Caranthir and Haleth. 

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The Heart of the Fire by Gabriel

Family get-together's can be trying at the best of times. When Moryo goes missing, Tyelko is sent to find him and stumbles on a cousin he has not met.

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one drop should be enough by quillingmesoftly

Malótë just wants to cool off after a tiring day. Things take a turn for the unexpected.

Or, the one where Caranthir sings in the shower, meets his wife, and invents the strapless sweetheart neckline.


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Liver, Heart, and Soul by Scribe of Mirrormere

Caranthir hears of a Moriquendi tribe with a rather unusual practice. He wishes to seek their demise immediately, but one of his daughters selects a different path.

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Home Alone: Forgotten in Formenos by Dawn Felagund

In the rush to depart for a Yule celebration in Taniquetil, Amrod and Amras are accidentally left behind by their family. When two skeevy Maiar vying for Melkor's attention set their sights on Fëanor's treasury, only these two can protect it.

Yes indeed, it is a Silmarillion/Home Alone crossover.

Added Chapter 13 onward--now complete!

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Negotiations by arafinwean

Haleth looks at Caranthir and wonders what he's lost.

Or the first meeting between the two. Written for the Starter Prompt for the Holiday Feast.

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Deeds in Days of Old by janeways

A Fëanorian Hanukkah,


Fëanor and his seven sons: eight drabbles for eight nights.

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