Challenges by Date

Challenges have been a part of the SWG since our group was formed in 2005. Before the archive, there were challenges. Before References or any special projects or B2MeM or any of the myriad things we've done over the last decade-plus, there were challenges. Challenges end and a new challenges is posted on the 15th of the month. (Yes, that means there is one thrilling day each month when there are two active challenges!) Participants—both authors and reviewers—will receive a stamp in their challenge stamp collection for their participation. Deadlines apply only if you want your fanwork to receive a stamp.

Every challenge that has ever been offered by the SWG is available for use by creators of fanworks who are looking for inspiration. Even if the deadline for stamps is passed, you are welcome to use the challenges listed on our site. And comments on past challenge fanworks are always welcome and always receive a reward for that month. Want to join us? Click to read the guidelines below!

Challenge Guidelines
  1. New challenges will be released monthly on the 15th. You can find the current challenge in the Challenge section of our website or listed in the sidebar under Current Challenges. The current challenge can also be found on our satellite groups on Dreamwidth, Tumblr (using the #swg challenges tag), and Discord.
  2. Challenge entries must be created for the challenge. In other words, a previous fanwork cannot be "retrofitted" into a challenge even if it fits. However, you are welcome to add to an existing fanwork with new content that fits a challenge.
  3. Challenges will need to be posted to the SWG archive no later than the 15th of the month in order to receive a stamp for that month's challenge, unless otherwise specified. If you are using the challenge prompt as part of another fandom event where the event rules do not allow you to post the fanwork on our archive before the challenge deadline or if you have serious extenuating circumstances that cause you to miss a deadline, you can contact the mods to arrange a deadline extension. Make sure that you add your story to the challenge using the Challenges field on the fanwork submission form. The SWG accepts all types of fanworks (art, audio, link collections, playlists, series, videos, writing, and multimedia fanworks), all types of fanwork are suitable as responses to challenges, and all must be posted to the archive.
  4. You are welcome to cross-post your work wherever you want, but at a minimum, it must be archived on our website.
  5. Works must be Silmfic, but any genre, rating, pairing, characters, or format are allowed. Works-in-progress are welcome.
  6. Challenge participants will receive a stamp for each challenge that they complete. In addition, if you comment on a challenge fanwork, you will receive a stamp for participating as a commenter. Unleash your inner philatelist because we will start a stamp collection for all participants that will be updated from month to month! Some months have special stamps (or even secret stamps ...).
  7. Comment challenges have no due date. However, if you are commenting on a story posted more than two months ago, we appreciate if you contact us and let us know that you need a stamp. Please note that comment stamps are not available for specific challenges before January 2017.

Times of Bliss

We honor the theme of hope in Tolkien's work with prompts about joyful or happy times in the text. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

To Be Free

Use a fanwork to show a character working to achieve freedom. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo

A joint event with silmladylove for creating femslash fanworks using bingo cards as prompts. Challenge opened in . Read more ...


Create a fanwork about or showing the oral tradition. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Trinkets and Treasures

Create a fanwork about an object that is magical or otherwise valuable in some way, either canonical or of your own invention. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

True Leader

Create a fanwork using one of our quotes from a woman in leadership. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Turgon's Rock Opera

On the anniversary of the publication of "The Silmarillion," we’re reflecting on the importance of music in Arda with prompts that come from rock songs. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Turning Point

The Silmarillion has many moments when a character stands upon a crossroad: He or she will have to make a decision. At such a turning point in your story, create a fanwork about that moment that will define or alter the life of your character. Challenge opened in . Read more ...


For this remix challenge, develop a minor character, plot point, or other detail from a fanwork into a new fanwork. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

United They Stand

Emancipation and equality can be found in the Professor's words, and we would like to challenge you to create a fanwork about this process. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Untold History

Challenge opened in . Read more ...


To reflect both the idealistic beginnings and the dark endings that are so frequent in the Legendarium, we invite you to create a fanwork inspired by utopian or dystopian prompts from novels, songs, artworks, or films. Challenge opened in . Read more ...


Pick your prompts from four bingo cards themed around vintage literature, art, poetry, and fanworks. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

When the Storm Breaks ...

Create a fanwork about storms, whether literal or figurative. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Wish upon a Star

Create a fanwork where a character wishes upon or muses on the stars. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

With a Bit of Fairy Dust

Unleash your imagination by looking at fairy tales of old and mix them with Tolkien's own Mythopoeia or make up your own fairy tales featuring your own characters or such stories told by your characters. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Within the Pages of Lore

Get your Silmarillion off of the shelf. Close your eyes, let your book fall open at random, and put your finger down on the page. Your challenge is to create a fanwork using that quote. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Woman's Sceptre

Create a fanwork using a quote from a woman who has advanced the cause of women's rights or participation of women in the arts. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Words of Wit and Wisdom

J.R.R. Tolkien wasn’t just the creator of Middle-earth. He was also a scholar of philology. One of his first jobs was with the Oxford English Dictionary, where he was assigned a welter of words beginning with W. In this month’s challenge, we’re presenting you a bingo card with Prof. Tolkien’s W words we hope will inspire a wealth of wonder, wit, worldbuilding, and general whimsy. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

X Marks the Spot

In this modified Matryoshka challenge, your prompts will come from the journey you take around a map. Challenge opened in . Read more ...