Challenges by Date

Challenges have been a part of the SWG since our group was formed in 2005. Before the archive, there were challenges. Before References or any special projects or B2MeM or any of the myriad things we've done over the last decade-plus, there were challenges. Challenges end and a new challenges is posted on the 15th of the month. (Yes, that means there is one thrilling day each month when there are two active challenges!) Participants—both authors and reviewers—will receive a stamp in their challenge stamp collection for their participation. Deadlines apply only if you want your fanwork to receive a stamp.

Every challenge that has ever been offered by the SWG is available for use by creators of fanworks who are looking for inspiration. Even if the deadline for stamps is passed, you are welcome to use the challenges listed on our site. And comments on past challenge fanworks are always welcome and always receive a reward for that month. Want to join us? Click to read the guidelines below!

Challenge Guidelines
  1. New challenges will be released monthly on the 15th. You can find the current challenge in the Challenge section of our website or listed in the sidebar under Current Challenges. The current challenge can also be found on our satellite groups on Dreamwidth, Tumblr (using the #swg challenges tag), and Discord.
  2. Challenge entries must be created for the challenge. In other words, a previous fanwork cannot be "retrofitted" into a challenge even if it fits. However, you are welcome to add to an existing fanwork with new content that fits a challenge.
  3. Challenges will need to be posted to the SWG archive no later than the 15th of the month in order to receive a stamp for that month's challenge, unless otherwise specified. If you are using the challenge prompt as part of another fandom event where the event rules do not allow you to post the fanwork on our archive before the challenge deadline or if you have serious extenuating circumstances that cause you to miss a deadline, you can contact the mods to arrange a deadline extension. Make sure that you add your story to the challenge using the Challenges field on the fanwork submission form. The SWG accepts all types of fanworks (art, audio, link collections, playlists, series, videos, writing, and multimedia fanworks), all types of fanwork are suitable as responses to challenges, and all must be posted to the archive.
  4. You are welcome to cross-post your work wherever you want, but at a minimum, it must be archived on our website.
  5. Works must be Silmfic, but any genre, rating, pairing, characters, or format are allowed. Works-in-progress are welcome.
  6. Challenge participants will receive a stamp for each challenge that they complete. In addition, if you comment on a challenge fanwork, you will receive a stamp for participating as a commenter. Unleash your inner philatelist because we will start a stamp collection for all participants that will be updated from month to month! Some months have special stamps (or even secret stamps ...).
  7. Comment challenges have no due date. However, if you are commenting on a story posted more than two months ago, we appreciate if you contact us and let us know that you need a stamp. Please note that comment stamps are not available for specific challenges before January 2017.

Sibling Rivalry

Create an AU fanwork where an original character--you!--tries to influence his or her canon sibling in some way or in which you choose a sibling to influence you. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Sirens and Songstresses

Use a prompt by a female musical artist or a band with a female lead to create your fanwork. Challenge opened in . Read more ...


Create a fanwork using prompts from a bingo card of sitcom tropes. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Soap Opera

Create a fanwork using our prompt generator that includes stock characters, common plot scenarios, settings, and episode types that are frequently featured in soap operas. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Soft Underbelly

Create a fanwork that shows how a character failed due to a weakness. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Solve a Problem

Create a fanwork that solves a canon problem using your own favorite (or most frustrating!) canon problem to solve or by choosing one of the member-submitted canon problems. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Song of Exile

Create a fanwork about exile or exiles. About being exiled. About the people who are exiled. About the decision to exile, the leavetaking, the consequences. About metaphorical or symbolic exile. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Songs of Arda

Create a fanwork about music. Challenge opened in . Read more ...


While usually the scenes are filmed first and the soundtrack is composed later, this month we want to challenge you to create (or continue) a story after listening to one of our musical prompts. The prompts will be pieces of classical and instrumental music. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Start to Finish

Choose one of the famous first lines from the list below and use it to start your story. If you are creating a fanwork other than writing, you may use one of the first lines to inspire your fanwork. Challenge opened in . Read more ...


Storytelling is an interactive art, using words and actions to bring a story to life while encouraging the listener’s imagination. This challenge is all about storytellers in the Silmarillion tapestry. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Strangers in Strange Lands

Your character arrives for the first time in a new place. Maybe he journeyed there with a purpose, or maybe she ended up there by accident. What does she perceive? What new experiences and conflicts will he have? This month's challenge asks you to bring a character to a new, strange place for the first time and to develop a story around his or her experiences there. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Strength and Beauty

Create a fanwork using the Melville quote about the relationship between strength and beauty. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Strong Women

Choose a female character from The Silmarillion or related texts who contributes something of value and create a fanwork about her. Challenge opened in . Read more ...


What is taboo? Use a bingo card of taboo-related prompts to inspire your fanwork. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Teen Spirit

In honor of the SWG becoming a teenager, create a fanwork about an adolescent character or adolescence using our prompt generator. Challenge opened in . Read more ...


A daily prompt of a Tengwar letter per day. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Terrible Twos

In honor of our second birthday, we asked for fanworks about the second year of a character's life. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Things We Never Said

In this AU challenge, fix that moment that you always wanted to see handled differently by offering your beloved character that moment of forgiveness or redemption. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Three Silmarils

Create a fanwork concerning one of the three selected quotes about Fëanor (although your fanwork can be about any character). Challenge opened in . Read more ...