Scattered Stars by Raiyana

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Why doesn't Nerdanel have a mother?

This grew a little based on my Rise Above Prompt :o

Nerdanel gets accepted as a student of Aulë's... ;)

Major Characters: Aulë, Mahtan, Nerdanel, Original Female Character(s), Yavanna

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama

Challenges: Rise Above

Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

Chapters: 2 Word Count: 1, 071
Posted on 10 April 2018 Updated on 25 April 2018

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Scattered Stars

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Oh, this is a lovely story. I really like the interaction with Aulë and Yavanna, especially these lines:

“We have a fox-cub present today,” Aulë rumbled, his booming laugh filling the large workspace though the nickname was fondly meant when he spoke it. Tinwië stared, keeping a hold on her father’s hair for safety but showing no fear in the face of the Vala who smiled at her.


I have a deep and abiding love for Aulë (I esp. love him in Carving a Door, which you won't have read - I removed it some time ago for rewriting purposes and then it kinda died, but the bit with Aulë interacting with his Dwarrow and with dead Celebrimbor was very good...) and particularly his relationship with his wife. I really should crosspost the rest of my Valar ficlets to SWG... Love for a Child until I do ;)

Oh, do, do crosspost! Not that I am not capable of finding them, but I do love to read things here. It's easier to find a story and to remember it in case I want to re-read. Also, gotta admit, I have spent a lot of time working on trying to make this site grow and be attractive for Silm fans.

It's on my to do list ;) I mostly struggle with defining which of my works fall under silm-fic headings ;)

So far, I feel most comfortable stating an answer such as "anything in Aman or First Age" but then where does that leave my SA fics?? I did post one of those, actually, which means I can then expand silm-fic to mid-SA mentally... but then what about my Last Alliance things - and a few years after?? What about the Early-TA - basically I'm lacking a guide, I think... I mean, I probably wouldn't post the Fourth Age Harad fic on here, but on the other hand it does have a blue wizard and draws lines back to Second Age and ARRGH.

Oh, I definitely think of Second Age fics as Silm fic according to the suggested standards here. Things that exist only in HoMe should fit also, right? There is a reason why the guidelines are pretty open, because it depends upon each writer what they reference in their stories. I have one and one only LotR fic here, but posted it because it is essentially all about an argument among the characters about their interpretations of the essay "Laws and Customs Among the Eldar."

I, of course(!), fill my LotR fics with tons of Silmarillion references much moreso than even Tolkien did, but I don't post them here. I would, personally, draw the line hard at fics based on The Hobbit. I think the site guidelines say that if one is uncertain one should drop a line to the moderator's email. (I am not a mod! So the above is just my opinion!) Generally, the idea is to be inclusive, but to maintain the site as a place for Silmarillion stories where those will not be swamped by the vast number of other Tolkien fanfiction. Around the time it was founded, ff net had tens of thousands of LotR stories and there were dozens of LotR archives and websites and only a paltry couple of thousand Silm fics on ff net and no Silm-only archives.

Good points. I'll have a think about which things to cross post. And how to structure it; on Ao3 I've made several less than 1k ficlets that really could be interlinked parts of a var focused series at least... Or should they be chapters of a story... To ponder when I'm back from this mall event :o thanks for the advice ;)

In my head, Nerdanel is like Fëanor in many ways - she understands him in ways others do not, and part of that I theorise stems from this sort of shared lack of a mother. Nerdanel has her aunt, and genuinely loves her, but she's fully aware that Naica is not her mum, and even if Tindómë's fate is unlike Miriel's, it is still a similar gap in their lives.

Of course, this does leave Mahtan as an easily available vision of what Fëanor's own father could have done, adding to his anger towards Finwë/Indis... Even if the two situations are not the same - and Mahtan has some tiny bit of hope that he will be reunited with his wife that Finwe did not...