Fly Away by Michiru

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


When the death of his father goes unpunished, Fëanáro takes matters into his own hands and establishes his own dynasty. His half-brothers' children, determined to oppose him, are drawn into a dangerous realm of intrigue as they work to bring his rule to an end. AU

Major Characters: Aegnor, Angrod, Caranthir, Celeborn, Curufin, Fëanor, Finarfin, Fingolfin, Finrod Felagund, Galadriel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Alternate Universe, General


Rating: Teens


Chapters: 4 Word Count: 15, 992
Posted on 17 August 2009 Updated on 24 September 2011

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Edited 9/23/11 as part of my goals for the Season of Writing Dangerously.

Edited 9/23/11 as part of my goals for the Season of Writing Dangerously.

Edited 9/23/11 as part of my goals for the Season of Writing Dangerously.

Updated as part of my goals for the Season of Writing Dangerously. I'm going to say that eight minutes past midnight counts, since a good portion of that time was spent trying to figure out what the Quenya for "three" was...

Comments on Fly Away

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Okay, so that's three paragraphs of nonsensical fangirling spazzing I've deleted now. I think I'm slightly more in control. Must try not to frighten the locals away.

I can't say how much your review means to me. Actually, it's better for you if I don't. Three paragraphs of fangirling. You do not want to subject yourself to that. Trust me. There is absolutely no way I could not finish continue this story arc; the poor Noldor are already clamoring for me to fix the mess I plan to the plot demands I make of their lives. The next chapter will be out as soon as Arafinwë stops being a brat and cooperates with me. (Arafinwë would like to point out that it's actually Fëanáro who's been giving me trouble. Arafinwë can get over it because he was the one who decided to try to talk to Fëanáro. Never mind that he actually had to in order to advance the plot. It isn't fair. Can't I write a story about Fëanáro without him actually in it? Tolkien did it with Sauron... No, you're right, it wouldn't work. Oh, well. They will obey me in the end... yes, that does mean you, Mr. Curufinwë Fëanáro.)

 Ahem. No, apparently I'm not in control. Thank you so much! Really. Inane rambling aside, I'm truly ecstatic that you enjoyed this. :D

Well, you know I love your stories.  This one was good to have read previously and then re-read after a little time as I noticed much more detail - the 'death scene' was well written in that it was actually quite shocking and it was very easy for me to put myself into the characters thoughts. 

 I have so many questions I want to ask given that the events are unfolding so very differently from cannon but I won't ask as I'm sure all will be revealed in time!

 Thank you.

Thank you! That death scene was awful to write- as someone who knew what was going to happen, I kept stalling, and Finarfin was feeling much more nervous than he had any reason to. I had to go back and be Finarfin, not the all-knowing author. It was difficult. (I had to trash all my give-away foreshadowing! I'll have to pay more attention in the future.)

Hopefully all will be revealed- if these Feanorians will cooperate. No, it's not even just the Feanorians; the Finwions are being just as annoying, too.

Thank you for the review!

Blimey! That was horrible to read - um, in a good way, though. The death scene was not cheesy, but shocking - I can see this is story that's going to continue shocking (and intriguing) me. Great writing - very evocative of the dangerous atmosphere that must be pervading Valinor during this story. I'm curious to learn more about how this AU works. For example, you referred to the late Senate leader Manwe - so he's dead? And where does Melkor figure into this? What happened to Indis and Fingolfin? What's going to happen to Fingon, Turgon, Anaire, etc? Will this story make me dislike Feanor even more? (Probably!)

I hope updates to this are forthcoming. 

*clears throat* Well... um... spoilers? Indis! There we go; Indis! I can tell you about her. She's... as far as I know... not in Tirion. (But maybe she lied to me about that...)

The next chapter should hopefully answer... let's see... two of your questions? As for the others... one won't be answered until... the sequel? Or even the third book? Hopefully- no, definitely the sequel. I think. And the other is coming up in a few chapters. Maybe chapter three? (chapter four, counting the prologue)

 I like Feanor, personally... *except for when he refuses to speak his lines*

I'm glad it was horrible in a good way! You scared me a little with that... but I'm very pleased- two people now have told me that death scene was shocking and not cheesy, which... is a good thing.

Updates............................................................. Does it help to know that I work on the next chapter in my dubious spare time?

Thank you for your review. Erm. (Wow, formal much?) No, really, thank you. :)

This is wonderfully written! The intrigue, the darkness of the events... It's very edgy and not at all overdone. And the characterisation feels so natural. I even felt captivated in the scenes with Ingwë and Olwë - two characters who do not usually hold my attention! And Arakáno's took me several long moments to read those paragraphs, because I kept thinking "oh no, oh no...". Brilliant execution of dramatic irony and suspense. Well done all around! I really hope more is to come.

Thank you very much for your kind words! It's always great to hear that someone enjoyed this piece; it was one of my first Silmarillion fanfics. Though other projects are taking top priority right now, I fully intend to return to this story and finish it; there's definitely much more to come.

Thanks once again for your review!

Oh wow! I'm loving all the political intrigue! I really like the quotes you have interspersed with the story, too; they're a nice frame for what's going on.

I like how everyone seems detached and dazed, to different degrees, and how even Feanaro's sons seem a bit off balance with everything thats going on.

The scenes with Arakano's death and Arafinwe's reaction were really poignant!

Very interesting story! 

Ahh, thank you for your kind words and your review! I'm very glacially continuing to work on this story, and it's nice to have the reminder that some folks out there are still interested in where it's going. Off-balance is a great way to describe the characters in this early part of the action.

Thank you so much once again!