Laurië Lassi – Golden Leaves by Esteliel

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Arnor Passport Stamp
A gentle breeze brushed the hilltop, combing the ruins...
Write a story or poem that starts with this line or create a piece of art that reflects this line.

A gentle breeze brushed the hilltop, combing the ruins. A cloud of smoke still hovered over the stables; the walls of the main building were black with soot.

The corpses had been buried before Laurefindil arrived with his troops. His purpose was not to rebuild, but rather to seek out the forces responsible for it, to destroy as many of the dark creatures as he and his men could manage.

For a moment, Laurefindil imagined his parents' mansion burned to the ground, the door a gaping wound. He shivered. It had been the right decision to come to Endórë.

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