Laurië Lassi – Golden Leaves by Esteliel

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Wilderland Passport Stamp
The act of kindness or hospitability usually comes from a generous heart. Write a story or poem, or create a piece of art where your character displays this virtue.


They had met the troop of Sindar not far from the hills where Turukáno expected a hidden camp of orcs. The Sindar were on foot, and just like the horses of Laurefindil's men, spattered with mud. It had been raining for weeks, and the gray sky promised more rain for the coming night.

“It's better to be miserable in company than alone,” Laurefindil said to his second-in-command, and offered them the comfort of his camp fire for the night. The Sindar retaliated by contributing a brace of grouse to the evening meal, so that Laurefindil eyed their long, polished bows with a new appreciation.

The Sindar had not snatched up more than a few words of Quenya, and there were only two among Laurefindil's men who could make themselves understood in Sindarin. Laurefindil caught the eyes of a lovely, silver-haired archer, slender and graceful like a birch tree.

“I am Laurefindil,” he said, then thought about the way sounds had shifted during the long years the Sindar had spent on these shores. “Glaurfindel?”

The lovely Sinda gave him a broad smile. “Glorfindel.” He reached out and wrapped a tress of golden hair around his fingers.

Laurefindil laughed, pleased by his boldness. “Yes. Glorfindel.” He touched the Sinda's fingers, saw the answer in the other man's eyes before he had even asked the question – but then, some things did not need words.

“Nimorn,” the Sinda then volunteered his own name, eyes gleaming as Laurefindil stood and beckoned.

His men had fastened a sheet of oiled canvas to two trees to keep their captain's sleeping place dry, and below was spread Laurefindil's bedroll – felted wool to repel water, soft furs to keep him warm. It was as comfortable as one could get on the road, in this never-ending rain.

Laurefindil sat down, extended a hand in invitation. “I am nothing if not generous,” he murmured, and pulled Nimorn down to share the comfort of his furs with him that night.

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