B2ME Day 19 - Meetings or Reunions by Erulisse

Fanwork Information


B2ME Day 19 - write a story featuring meetings or reunions.  A horse adopts his boy in the spring.  

Major Characters: Glorfindel, Maedhros, Maglor, Turgon

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Drama

Challenges: B2MeM 2011

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 674
Posted on 21 March 2011 Updated on 21 March 2011

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1



Horse and Boy


It was a fresh spring day, the kind of day when the breeze played over the new grasses, boys wanted to run, and horses wanted to kick and roll. Maitimo and Macalaurë had ridden out to the high pasture to check out the yearlings which had just been returned to the upper meadows after wintering in the valley below.

The two of them laughed to see the horses at play. The older colts and fillies were playing “catch-me” with each other while this year’s foals were just discovering the wide world around them, were head-butting each other, and were kicking up their heels in delight.

The two elves, on the other hand, were catching up after having been separated for several months. Macalaurë had been chasing down new tunes and trying out some interesting new instruments in Alqualondë, and Maitimo had been assigned to the Tirion court as a Deputy Councilor.

They looked up as a third elf joined them.

“Greetings, cousin,” Maitimo called out. “Have you come to join us for dinner tonight or are you just passing through?”

Turukáno chuckled as he rode his horse up to join his relatives. “Although I could be convinced to stay for dinner, I am actually here hunting for Laurefindel. We were together this morning and then Ammë mentioned that the horses were back in the high pastures and he disappeared. I thought you might have seen him.”

“Laurefindel? I don’t think I’m familiar with him,” said Macalaurë in a thoughtful tone.

“He’s Findis' grandson,” Turukáno informed them. “He lived in Valmar, but his father has just been attached to the Noldorin court so they moved in with us until they can set up a suitable household in Tirion.”

“Oh, the new Vanyarin ambassador to the court? I saw him being presented to the King just yesterday,” responded Maitimo. “So Laurefindel is his son?”

“Yes, and he is missing, so I’d better resume my hunt….”

“Wait…just a moment. Is that him?” interrupted Macalaurë.

The two other boys turned their horses around just in time to see the figure of a slender youth with gleaming golden hair running alongside the yearlings. He showed no fear, just a fierce joy in the experience. The horses, in their turn, seemed to treat him as a younger member of the herd: directing his steps, protecting him from rough treatment and nudging him when he faltered. He was laughing merrily as he ran.

“Laurefindel,” called out Turukáno loudly so that he could be heard above the pounding hoofs of the horses. The young elf stopped short and turned to face the other three. Turukáno glanced aside to gauge the reactions of his cousins to the youngster. Then he laughed. “He is quite beautiful, isn’t he? Now, don’t tell him so. We don’t want him to grow up vain.”

Turukáno beckoned his cousin to join the three of them. The young elf began leaving the yearlings and headed in their direction. Suddenly he was face down in the pasture and a colt was standing over him. Slowly Laurefindel rose to his feet. Standing slightly to the side, he faced the colt speaking softly. He held out his hand. The horse snuffled his palm, then allowed him to stroke his velvet-soft nose. As the boy once again moved towards the three cousins, the colt cautiously followed him.

“You seem to have been adopted,” said Maitimo, smiling. “He’s still a bit young for training, but if you would like, he can stay in the upper meadow until the fall. By then you’ll have a home in Tirion and if you have a stable you he can move there for the winter. The horse must be yours since he seems to not want to leave your side.”

The horse and the boy looked at each other again and Laurefindel hugged it around the neck. Then they moved together to the barn in easy cadence.

It was the beginning of a long love affair between Laurefindel and fine horses.


Chapter End Notes

Please review and let me know what you think of this.  All comments are very appreciated.  


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Amazing, the way you are managing to keep up with the challenges in this series! Especially as I believe you hadn't written much before? (The slight downside about B2MEM is that so much good stuff gets posted so quickly that it's a bit of a struggle to keep up with reading, never mind finding time to comment...)  

Thank you so much for posting (and you are correct in that I hadn't written at all before now).  I adore your own writing.  Your "Now Way You Can Fall" keeps coming back to my mind time and time again.  I appreciate the kind words and hope that I can keep the momentum through to the end of the month.  


- Erulisse (one L)