A Light from Afar by Erulisse

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Chapter 6 - A Countdown to War

Eärendil remembers his youth in Gondolin and his love of the stars.  A response to the prompt “starlight”.  

A Countdown to War

A Countdown to War



Varda had scattered the stars in the night sky, and Eärendil's mother, Idril, had passed her love of them on to him.  She would take him to the highest rooftop in Gondolin, and together they would look above at the stars and constellations. She would point the major ones out to him; delicate Wilwarin, the striding sigil of Menelmacar, and Varda's visible threat to Morgoth, Valacirca.

Now he sailed amidst them, the Silmaril causing Vingilótë to shine brighter than any, and he looked north at Valacirca again. “Be filled with fear, Morgoth,” he rumbled, “because we are coming for you.”


Chapter End Notes

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