A Light from Afar by Erulisse

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Chapter 5 - Compassion Shown

Eärendil explains that the boys are cared for by kinslayers and he checks up on them again.  A response to the prompt:  twilight.  

Title: Compassion Shown

Compassion Shown


Handing Elwing a second glass of wine, Eärendil then said, “Although the boys look well, they are in the care of Maedhros and Maglor.” A gasp came from his wife and fear swept across her face. "I will continue to watch when possible, but I feel they are safe,” he reassured her. Later, he sailed with the twilight.

That night he looked again at the campsite. The Fëanorians were pointing Vingilótë out to his sons. Elros, weeping, was being held and comforted by Maedhros, while Elrond and Maglor stood talking side by side. Eärendil sighed, feeling both relieved and hopeful.

Chapter End Notes

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