A Light from Afar by Erulisse

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Chapter 9 - Before the Gates of Angband


In response to the prompt “Sunlight”, a look at the battle for the skies during the War of Wrath as experienced by Eärendil and Vingilótë.  


Before the Gates of Angband

Before the Gates of Angband



Eärendil peered over Vingilótë’s rail, observing the forces of Morgoth leaving the field of battle.  ‘Surely it can’t end like this?’ he thought.  But moments later the gates reopened, issuing forth Morgoth’s most deadly forces.  The dragons took wing, including Ancalagon the Black.  Eärendil whispered to his faithful vessel.  “Now my beauty; show your mettle and we will defeat this black evil now staining our sky.” 


As Anar arose for the second time, Eärendil expended his last bit of strength, slaying Ancalagon.  Both the Mariner and his ship were tattered, burned, bruised, and cut, but victory was theirs. 

Chapter End Notes

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