Naurthoniel and the Heroism of Housekeeping in Mithrim by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Originally written for Aliana's Action-Adventure Bechdel Test Challenge on LiveJournal.


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Fanwork Information


The Feanorians are camped on one side of the lake of Mithrim, the Fingolfinians on the other.  Many of the Feanorians would welcome the Fingolfinians, but do not dare--what action then might they take?

The back-story of Maedhros's housekeeper.

Extra double drabble added: The Bitterest North (OFCs and Fingon)


Major Characters: Caranthir, Maedhros, Maglor, Noldor, Original Character(s), Sindar

Major Relationships:

Genre: Adventure, General


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Mature Themes

Chapters: 6 Word Count: 5, 446
Posted on 17 April 2013 Updated on 23 December 2018

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

Warning: This is where it gets really rather grim, although perhaps not quite in the way you expect.

Three drabbles from the life of Narye after she became Maedhros's housekeeper at Himring (First Age and Second Age).

Also featuring glimpses of Elrond.

Another closer look at my original female characters, Erien and Elvea, crossing the Ice.

Also featuring Fingon.

Warning for canon-typical character death.

Comments on Naurthoniel and the Heroism of Housekeeping in Mithrim

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Thank you very much, Duilwen! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

I do agree. The sheer number of people involved--all of them individuals, each with their own story--has a tendency to get overlooked. Of course, there are barely hints in canon to go on.

From that point of view, you could even argue that Naurthoniel is not quite "ordinary" enough, I guess!

Oh, there is too much to be reviewed, and maybe, not being an author to fullfill my own requests, I just like to read, and maybe only review to stories not being reviewed too frequently (which would leave my poor review unnoticed)...Yes, I suppose myself being this poor creature...

But my eagerness in reading good stories is really true, in the purest sense of meaning.

I could show you my bookshelf, containing about a thousand titles, or maybe more, and now, the internet is available, ...

I stopped reading so often being distracted by sunset, and awaiting another day with tired limbs and heavy eyes, but do not really mind.

My reviews are most times longer than my own stories...

But I don' t mind, because other people just writes the stuff, I would like to, and I see it to my duty to assure them, if you understand what I mean....

So, do not mind, if I do not write something to every of your stuff, but be sure, I read every single story eventually.


Oh, there is too much to be reviewed, and maybe, not being an author to fullfill my own requests, I just like to read, and maybe only review to stories not being reviewed too frequently (which would leave my poor review unnoticed)...Yes, I suppose myself being this poor creature...

But my eagerness in reading good stories is really true, in the purest sense of meaning.

I could show you my bookshelf, containing about a thousand titles, or maybe more, and now, the internet is available, ...

I stopped reading so often being distracted by sunset, and awaiting another day with tired limbs and heavy eyes, but do not really mind.

My reviews are most times longer than my own stories...

But I don' t mind, because other people just writes the stuff, I would like to, and I see it to my duty to assure them, if you understand what I mean....

So, do not mind, if I do not write something to every of your stuff, but be sure, I read every single story eventually.