"The House of a Friend" & other drabbles by Himring

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Celebrimbor looks in Kheled-zaram

Bonus chapter--not a fixed-length ficlet.

What it says on the tin.

Gen, no warnings.


'Look', said Narvi urgently. 'Do you see?'

Celebrimbor stooped further down over the still surface of the water and gazed intently.

He saw the mountain peaks appear--the gleaming white of Celebdil, the Silvertine, mirrored perfectly in deep blue--and in the space beyond, a crown of seven stars. Small and distant as they seemed, their brightness pierced his heart, almost as if a Silmaril had swum suddenly into his sight across the wide reaches of Ilmen.

He straightened, then bowed low before Narvi.

'I thank you, Narvi, for showing me this--but I doubt I can reproduce even a pale shadow of such beauty--even in ithildin...'

'You can't', said Narvi. 'But the lake will always be here--and now you know, at least, what the Crown of Durin truly looks like.'

Chapter End Notes

Written for Huinare's "Sorry, Celebrimbor" month on LiveJournal.

Also, I think I may have read a version of this scene before but, if so, I don't remember who it was by.



Tree & Flower 2015, Dwarves,1st Place, banner showing a stone wall
Banner by Ysilme


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